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작성자 아이콘 캬비어
작성일 2016-02-23 23:32:00 KST 조회 574
공홈 영작글 적어봄.


제목 ZvsP balance issues in kr community



I am a SC2 Fan of South Korea .

Even though my English is poor, but now I want to convey the comprehensive opinion on the PVZ balance of Korea SC2 communities.

You know, DK, now PVZ is tilted to Zerg. In particular, the nerf of photon is fatal to act as Protoss in PVZ. and the situation is the same in Korea.

of caurse. the nerf of photon is right, because of PVT. but the nerf of photon is too large for Protoss in PVZ.

The Zerg’s OPs in PVZ being pointed out in Korea are as follows.



1. Overlord/zergling drop

Currently, the most controversial issue on the PVZ in Korea SC2 community.

Many korean protoss users are clamoring to hit overlord/zergling drop timing is too fast.

In particular, it has been a controversial that is overlord/zergling/queen drop.

ordinary overlord/zergling drop is scary to protoss, but that with queen is OP to protoss!!

because it is too fast timing to protoss now!

especially, with queen drop case, queen’s transfusion(to overlord and the other queens) is very strong in this timing.

Because of this, korean users are presented the following comments of nerf overlord/zergling drop.

- overlord mutate ventral sacs tech requirements is replaced Evolution Chamber with Lair


- overlord mutate ventral sacs more require mineral and vespene.(25/25 to 50/50)


- ventral sacs mutated overlord less transport to queen.(4queen transport to 2queen transport)


....and so on.

Of cause, before the nerf of photon, it was not large controversial issue. because of mana 25 photon.

but, after the nerf of photon, It has became the biggest controversial issue in South Korea, now.



2. Ravager

In fact, Korean community sites, the debates on Ravager have calmed a lot. because they heard the Community Feedback about the nerf of Ravager. You pay attention to the nerf of Ravager is the right choice. DK..

But in Korea, the SC2 Community is a dominant view that this nerf alone is not enough.

There are many opinions that have at least one more nerf to Zerg in PVZ to add the other thing.

This one more nerf article is nerf to lurker or nerf to overlord/zergling drop


3. lurker

lurker is less controversial than overlord/zergling drop(especially with queen).

But it is also quite a lot of controversy even so.

In fact, korean users argue that one of lurker and overlord drop must be nurfed at least.(There is controversy about both nerfed. The general opinion that sufficient just to nerf one of that. because of ravager nerf)

So that lurker is too strong unit to protoss after nerf of photon.

(lurker spec : HP 200, Range 9, attack 20(vs amored 10) and splash damage.)

before nerf of photon, protoss was easy to produce immortals, archons, and zealots in sufficient number because of mana 25 photon that made protoss easy to take mineral and gas multi. so lurker was not big problem to protoss.

But now, after nerf of photon, taking mineral and gas multi is difficult to protoss in PVZ. so protoss is difficult to produss immortals, archons, and zealots in sufficient number. and This is why protoss is difficult for the opponent to the zerg with lurker.

many korean’s opinions to nerf lurker is like this.

lurker range nerfed(9 to 8)


increase lurker’s burrow or unburrow delay time


.... and so on.


Well. in my opinion, It is enough to nerf to Overlord drop and Ravager Without the need to nerf lurker. I think that lurker is also enough to watch after nerf to overlord drop and ravager. and this is many korean user’s opinion too.

I have merely described it because I just want DK to notice about lurker at least once.



4. Nydus worm

Although Nydus worm is lower priority nerf than others, such as overlord drop and ravager, and this was also listed because Nydus worm’s not touch before complete building have many controversial to terran and protoss both.

This is not right now, but I hope DK focused on nydus worm at least once.



You know due to nerf of photon, protoss is a disadvantage against zerg.

I hope that sooner or later DK solved this PVZ balance problem correctly.



일단 이 자체로 너프 버프하자는 의도보다는 그냥 저프전 관련해서 오고갔던 너프안 버프안을 소개하고 의견 소개하고 그러고자 이 글을 적어본 것임..


근데 아실 분은 아시겠지만, 집안 사정상 게임 구입이 금지되어서 제가 직접 공홈에 올릴 수 없다는 것..ㅠㅠ..



진짜 이거 누가 공홈에 올려주실 수 있다면 정말 감사드리는 바입니다..ㅠㅠ




지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

발도장 찍기
아이콘 골리앗친구토르 (2016-02-23 23:47:05 KST)
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센스 이미지
대강 번역한글임??

한국에 스타2 게이 이다

1.링드랍에대해서 너프가 필요하다

특히 극초반에 나온 여왕or링 드랍에대해서 너프가 필요

광자과 너프이후 힘들다

드랍 대군주대해서 요구사항을 업그레이드로 올려달라 or 드랍대군주에대해서 가격 상승이 필요하다

2.궤멸충 너프 필요 한국에서도 논란이됨

3.럴커 에대해서 조금 너프가 필요하다

집전사+멸자로 럴커 밭을 뚫는것은 한계 있다..

사거리를 너프 시키거나 가시지옥굴 변이에대해서 너프가 필요하다

럴커+대군주 견제도 아주 강력하다

4.땅굴망 대해서 너프 필요
테란전이나 플토전에서도.. 화두가 되는존재이다
아이콘 캬비어 (2016-02-23 23:52:30 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
ㄴ 1.이건 번역아 맞음. 다만 나는 한국 커뮤니티에서 링드랍이 가장 큰 논란거리였다고 한것이라고 말한 것에 불과함.
2. ...번역이 반대임. 궤멸충 너프 소식에 한국에서는 많이 잠잠해졌다. 허나 이것만으로는 부족하다는 의견이 있다.
3. 뭐 대강 맞는데, 마지막을 보면 알겠지만 러커보다는 대군주 드랍이나 궤멸충 너프하고나서 러커도 좀 주목해달라는 것임. 즉 DK 관심유도글. 러커에 대해서도 좀 주목해달라가 핵심임.
4. 땅굴망. 역시나 디케이에게 관심 촉구하는 것임. 지금 당장은 아니지만 한번은 지켜봐달라는 것임.
efaklfkqdw (2016-02-24 00:10:50 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
간단한 단어 쓰세요.
예를 들자면
convey - write about
opinion of - how (korean) people think of
be tilted to zerg - zerg op

또 단어 재대로 쓰시고 -_-;;
the nerf of photon is right - ~ seems reasonable
nerf of photon is fatal to act as Protoss in PVZ (이건 뭔소린지 모르겠어요) - photon(overcharge) got nerfef too much. So zerg op in pvz

The Zerg’s OPs in PVZ being pointed out in Korea are as follows (이건 또 뭐임 -_-;;)
- We generally agree that the following units/building are the main cause of the imbalance in pvz.

아니 번역기 썻어요?
Currently, (this is) the most controversial issue on the PVZ in Korea SC2 community. 이건 뭐에요;; 주어, 동사는 왜빼먹어요

아 전채적으로 정말 못읽겠어요
아이콘 캬비어 (2016-02-24 00:12:53 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
ㄴ 번역기 쓰느라...ㅠㅠ 의도랑 다르게 되었네요..ㅠㅠ
아이콘 AzureP (2016-02-24 00:39:20 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
내가 영어를 잘하지는 못한다만.. 그래도 토익 RC 400은 넘기고, 대학원 생활하는 동안 수많은 영어 논문들을 읽어왔는데

뭔 소린지 하나도 모르겠음.
님이 평소에 한국어로 싸놓은 헛소리들을 본게 있어서 이해가 될까말까

원어민들은 아예 해석불가 외계어일 것이 분명함.
멀록은귀엽다 (2016-02-24 00:54:21 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
아이콘 캬비어 (2016-02-24 01:05:14 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
ㄴ ㅠㅠ...조만간 다시 적든지 해야겠음...ㅠㅠ...장문보다는 단문이 좋을듯.ㅠㅠ
아이콘 생선가시지옥 (2016-02-24 01:07:19 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
맞네요 전체적으로 문법이 아니다.
핵맞은코뿔소 (2016-02-24 04:41:07 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
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