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작성자 아이콘 캬비어
작성일 2016-02-27 16:34:29 KST 조회 404
저프전 영작문 적어보았음.

제목 : DK need to watch not only Ravager but also Overlord Drop


I am Korean SC2 user.

and My English is poor. But i should say about latest feedback in PVZ.

well, I write this topic through a anacquaintance's battle net ID. because of my perents.

(my parents don't allow to buy game anything for a while. So i play LOTV at internet cafe now and can not write and reply my topic through my battle net ID.) 


​I agree with DK's PVZ Balance Feedback direction a lot.

​Because of Previous nerfed photon.

Before nerf photon, protoss could protect mineral and gas multi from zerg's early rush.(for example, ravager and overlord drop) so protoss could get a sufficient amount of mineral and gas, and could produce a sufficient number of high-tech units, and could fight well against zerg. but after nerf photon, protoss is hard to fight against zerg.

in other words, If protoss could get a sufficient amount of mineral and gas easily as before, meaning that protoss can also fight better against zerg.

so, protoss need ​buff in early game at PVZ now. not mid-game yet, not late-game yet.

so, i think DK's latest PVZ Feedback Direction is right.

but As seen from this topic title, DK need to watch not only Ravager but also Overlord Drop.

Ravager timing pushes are too strong versus Protoss. right.

but protoss user say that Overlord Drops are also too strong versus protoss, too.

especially, Overlord/queen(+zergling) drop is very notorious for protoss because it is very fast and strong pushes to protoss.

so, DK need to watch and nerf Overlord drop with Ravager at PVZ.

well, korean protoss users suggest about overlord drop as follows.

- overlord mutate ventural sacs require mineral and gas : 25/25 to 50/50


- overlord mutate ventural sacs tech : evolution chamber tech instead of Lair tech.


- overlord can load and drop : 4queen to 2queen


and so on...


well, i welcome to DK's PVZ Balance direction(watch and patch to PVZ early game).

but also i hope that DK watch not only ravager but also overlord drop

and I hope that DK watch and patch PVZ early game exactly.



this is my reply, if you want to see more my reply, click this webpage :!5




내용의 의도는 대략..

" DK의 저프전 밸런스 고려방향은 맞다. 초반을 건드는 거 난 찬성한다. 단지 궤멸충 뿐만 아니라 오버로드 드랍 같은 것도 봐주었으면 좋겠다. "

이것임. 이왕 DK가 방향을 정확하게 잡은 거 제대로 정확하게 잡았으면 하는 마음으로 적어봄.


혹시나 공홈에 올려주실 고마우신 분이 있다면싶어서 내가 쓴 글 페이지 주소까지 적었음.

혹시나 리플이 달릴 일이 있다면 이 페이지 링크를 통해 봐달라는 마음이 있어서 함 페이지 주소까지 적어봄.


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아이콘 예를들면꿍디꿍디 (2016-02-27 16:41:45 KST)
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아이콘 캬비어 (2016-02-27 16:47:56 KST)
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예를들면꿍디/아이디를 하나 사다니 그게 무슨 소리임??
tossy (2016-02-27 17:01:36 KST)
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my english is poor...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아이콘 캬비어 (2016-02-27 17:23:32 KST)
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