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작성자 아이콘 캬비어
작성일 2016-03-25 12:07:00 KST 조회 277
한번 심심한 것도 있어서 블쟈를 위한 영작 좀 해봄.

제목 : Who is the mapper of Blizzard HQ?

I understand that DK chose Ravager nerf testing instead of Overlord Drop testing. Because , as DK said, Overlord Drop is very simple and safe nerf, so there are many users can expect the effect of OL Drop nerf in PVZ. yes, as DK said, OL Drop nerf doesn’t really require as much testing.

I understand that DK thought about nerfing liberator and buffing banshee and change thor AA. too. because i understand DK curiosity and i believe that this feedback is not settled and only just testing. and i also believe DK prudence about balance.

If DK really test this balace feedback carefully, i understand this week feedback.




What are these new maps?? These maps are really terrible! These maps are not well made.

especially, invader LE and korhal LE are the perfect fucking failure!

current and previous ladder maps are not good as well.

Do we have to play in this shit maps in the upcoming ladder season? 

Who is the mapper of blizzard HQ?



함 심심한 것도 있어서 적어보았음. 걍.


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발도장 찍기
아이콘 공허유 (2016-03-25 12:09:45 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
님은 뭐든지 적극적이신거 같음 ㅋㅋ
핵맞은코뿔소 (2016-03-25 12:45:41 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
What is this maps -> what are those maps?
This maps is not well made rather than shit and fuXX made!
-> these maps are terrible. Fuck made 라는 말은 처음 들어 봅니다.
invader LE and korhal LE is perfect shir failure!
-> is 가 아니라 are. Shir failure는 처음 들어봅니다. Shit failure라고 한거 같은데 걍 the fuckin failure.
the past and present ladder season maps is not good too.
-> current and previous ladder maps are not good as well.

단수,복수만 정확히 하셔도 반은 먹고가시는데 그것부터 좀. .
아이콘 캬비어 (2016-03-25 12:59:12 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
ㄴ 지적 감사요.
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