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작성자 아이콘 캬비어
작성일 2016-04-16 11:58:37 KST 조회 413
Report of Balance(현 밸런스 보고서)

한번 심심해서 영작한 것도 있습니다.

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뭐 그래봤자 여기 플엑은 안볼거라는 거 알지만....그래도 한번 심심해서 영작하는 것도 있습니다.



I am a korean SC2 player and I usually watch the SC2 league(ex : SSL, GSL and so on).

I write this SC2 Balance Report, because the last I heard that Blizzard need information of Balance.

So this is current SC2 balance.



this is close to 5:5 Golden Balance.

this is best balance game now.

so DK should handle this game carefully and more and more watch it carefully too.



Recently I was really amazed about PVZ balance.

DK knows, PVZ balancing among progamer was quite successful.

PVZ balance is close to well balance now.

so DK shold handle this game carefully too.

(Of course, PVZ balance is still worse than PVT balance. but this balance is not serious enough to fix it right now)

and so i mostly agree the recent report at 2016. 4. 15.

I just want to say the points to note about balancing of immortal and colossus.

currently, immortal is very essential unit as liberator's defender mode and ultralisk chitinous plating.

Or perhaps immortal may be essential unit as murauder in HOTS and WOL.

So, DK should carefully handle immortal as liberator's defender mod and ultralisk chitinous plaing, perhaps HOTS murauder.

Colossus is too.

If DK buffs colossus in rule of thumb, PVT is likely to collapse.

DK knows, Colossus should be carefully handled as immortal and PVZ.

Overlord drop... Ravager... Immortal... PVZ should be cerefully handled.



This is worst balance game now.

I heard that current ZVT score in progamer is 15:30.

ZVT is very tilted to Terran.

So i very agree with nerfing liberator fighter mode.

i think that liberator AA damage should be changed from 7x2 to 6(+ 1 vs light)x2.

DK knows, many of liberator is too strong for many of curruptor.

so, liberator should be weakened to curruptor.

and DK, are you think about tankivac recently?

zerg users point out about tankivac too.

so, I wish DK had an interest in tankivac.

in addition, DK should pay more attention to ZVT balance.

I hope that ZVT fixed as soon as possible.

Of course, thinking PVT and PVZ else.

I hope that DK did not harm PVT and PVZ balance, the way to fix ZVT balance.

this is my current balance report.

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