작성자 | 마음의소음 | ||
작성일 | 2016-05-04 04:38:52 KST | 조회 | 758 |
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DK 왜 또 헛소리 하냐
Protoss Buff vs. Mutalisks
Previously, this topic seemed to be clearly important to the community, but it seems to have completely changed the other way. Even though Mutalisks are clearly not an issue at the top of pro level, we believed it was a heavy community issue, so we located a change that would have minimal impact at the pro lvl, while looking to help the average skilled player.
We’re not exactly sure why the major switch happened here, but we wonder if a lot of it is the meta game having shifted from Protoss being underpowered against Zerg to the matchup being a lot more even than we initially believed.
프로레벨에서는 뮤탈 딱히 큰 문제 아니랜다.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 안 나오니까 문제가 아닌줄 아나본데, 저프전 토스가 우관 스타트 끊는 이유중 4할은 뮤탈이란다. 4할은 드랍이고 2할이 주도권. 그리고 뮤탈이 프로경기에서 안보이는 이유는 저프전에서 우관 스타트를 안끊는 토스가 거의 없기 때문이고, 불사조 보고 뮤탈찍는 미친 저그가 없기 때문이란다..
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