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작성자 아이콘 OvO
작성일 2016-05-17 08:03:41 KST 조회 550
총상금 40만달러 알리바바 주최 WESG 개최

World E-Sports Games [WESG] 

This is a tournament organised by AliSports (, aka the "amazon/ebay" of China ). The totoal prize pool for Starcraft 2 is $400,000 (and $1,500,000, $1,500,000, $300,000, for DOTA2, CS:GO, Hearthstone, respectively). Each region has 2-4(?TBC) qualifiers. The global finals will be held in December 2016, in Shanghai, China. 

Prize Pool Distribution - SC2 : 

Global Finals
Total : $400,000 
1. Place : $200,000
2. Place : $100,000
3. Place : $50,000
4-. Place : TBD

Asian Finals 
1. Place : $10,000
2. Place : $5,000
3. Place : $2500

EU, NA, and other regions: TBA

Region Qualifiers : 

Map pool : 
Blizzard ladder maps

Date : 
June 2016-December 2016

Stream :

Official website (Chinese) :

[BTW, so far the official schedule of regional qualifiers other than China is not available. I will keep you updated. Stay tuned.] 

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