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작성자 아이콘 indeed22
작성일 2016-11-11 15:12:32 KST 조회 1,678
커뮤니티 피드백 11월10일

밸런스 패치는 11월 22일 실행 예정.  추가 사항들을 요약하면 :

- 울트라 기본 아머+1, 키틴질 업글 아머추가치는 2 감소.

- 싸이클론 대지상 중장갑 공격력 1 감소.

- 히드라 사거리업글과 이속 업글 분리.  옛날처럼 두가지 따로 업글해야 됨.


As in years before, the BlizzCon Global Finals ended extremely well! Players displayed amazing skills, there was a near perfect race-ratio towards the top of the bracket, there were many personal stories created, and the quality of the games was spectacular. . . especially in the finals!

Congratulations to all of the highly-skilled players from around the world who put up such a great performance, as well as our community for working together with us to make sure the balance of the game was as good as it was. The casters/observers/hosts/crowd also did such an amazing job, including my personal favorite, ‘Incontrol’, who is the best ‘Incontrol’ in the world. Finally, congratulations to the Blizzard Esports Team and to our partners around the world who did an especially great job this year building up the awesome stories of these fantastic players! 

Balance Update
Onto gameplay then, we wanted to let you guys know that we’re aiming for November 22nd for the release of the major gameplay patch. We are aware that JYP’s balance tournament is going on right now, but we thought it would be best to push these changes out ASAP so that we have better data to make additional fixes as needed.

Because we don’t have a lot of time remaining until the release of the patch, we wanted to add these additional changes into Testing today or tomorrow.

Base armor increased by 1, and reducing 2 armor from the upgrade like we’ve talked about before. Nothing complicated here.

Reducing the anti-ground +armored damage by 1. This puts the Cyclone at 3 (+2 vs armored) damage per shot.


We’ve seen some issues regarding the speed at which the new more powerful Hydralisk can hit the field (and the enemy). To address this, we would like to try splitting up the range upgrade and the speed upgrade since they are now both much more impactful. In this case, the Hydralisk will start off no different than it does in the live game, but after researching both of the upgrades, the Hydralisk will be brought to the full strength of the current balance testing version.

Maps for 2017 Season 1 and Season 2
Our community team has been in discussion with TeamLiquid regarding the first TeamLiquid Map Contest for next year, and it looks like the timing is such that we can begin investigating maps to use for Season 2 in 2017. With that in mind, we’ll get the next TLMC going in the middle of Season 1 so that we can use TeamLiquid map contest maps for Season 2!

However, we also have Season 1 just ahead of us, and many of you offered suggestions about community maps that you felt were worth considering for use in Season 1 of next year. After reviewing these maps, we wanted to get your input as well!

In order to have high-quality maps that provide diverse play potential as a pool, we’re currently thinking about bringing in these 4 community maps:

Abyssal Reef by SidiantheBard 
• battlenet:://starcraft/map/1/277597
Honor Grounds by SidiantheBard 
• battlenet:://starcraft/map/1/273507
Paladino Terminal by Namrufus 
• battlenet:://starcraft/map/1/273841
Proxima Station by LatiAs 
• battlenet:://starcraft/map/1/273568

We’ve reached out to all of the map makers here to discuss using their maps and have heard back from most already. The remaining three maps are still to be determined, so please let us know your thoughts on these maps because we have to start on the QA/Art passes on our end for next season’s maps very soon.

As always, thanks to all of you for your input! 

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

발도장 찍기
아이콘 녹두리아 (2016-11-11 15:19:55 KST)
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센스 이미지
히드라나 사이클론이나 이정도면 합리적으로 바뀐 것 같네요. 히드라는 업글 단 하나로 완전히 다른 유닛이 될 정도였고, 사이클론도 어제 전태양 대 백동준 경기에서 보듯 과하게 강한 감이 있었죠
아이콘 디멘 (2016-11-11 15:21:15 KST)
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센스 이미지
빨리바뀌었으면.. ㅋㅋ
LOGO (2016-11-11 15:23:39 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
여기서 말하는 11월22일 밸패가 대격변 얘기하는 건가요?
테란종변함 (2016-11-11 15:58:53 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
사클 기본뎀 3 - 2로 바껴서 수방킨 아머0유닛한테 두방 당 1단다는거죠?
아이콘 NobleRen (2016-11-11 16:24:36 KST)
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센스 이미지
히레기의 성장이 기대되는군요...얼른 패치하길 ㅋㅋ
safjs (2016-11-11 18:00:40 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
아 드뎌 울트라 너프처먹네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ그나저나 토스는 안건드리는거봐라 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아이콘 [분열기] (2016-11-11 19:27:40 KST)
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센스 이미지
DK: 울트라 방어력을 낮춥니다
사이클론: 올 데미지 1 들어가는거 2라도 들어가네 개꿀?

DK: 사이클론 중장갑 데미지를 낮춥니다
사이클론: ㅠㅠ
아이콘 니다벨리르 (2016-11-11 19:48:06 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
ㄴ 바퀴, 추적자: 야~ 신난다!
아이콘 루시퍼방화 (2016-11-12 07:49:50 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
인간적으로 히드라 사업발업 나눌꺼면 빌드타임이랑 가격좀 내려줘야 하는거 아니냐
아이콘 에브레나크 (2016-11-12 15:17:38 KST)
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그래서 암기 점멸은 ?
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