I wanted to ask about maps; you teased that next year, you’ll allow map makers to play around with different map features like mineral patches / gas geysers for the first time. Can you tell us about your thought process for this, as in the past you’ve always been very strict about sticking to the default setup.
David Kim: I think up until now, we’ve thought that we have to be strict and not go too crazy with map ideas, because there aren’t a lot of good tools for new players coming to the game; we don’t want them to be too overwhelmed. But now, it feels like we’re not 100% there yet, but places like TeamLiquid, like Reddit, there are posts that come up trying to help new players whenever they ask questions. Plus we have the co-op mode, where we have broken a lot of these rules, and we’ve noticed that new players coming in aren’t too affected or confused by that. All these factors added up I think, and now we want to make a push for greater map diversity that we haven’t seen before. I think the next step is what the community has been requesting for a long time.