We’re thinking of a couple changes, and we’ll finalize on where to go depending on the community thoughts regarding these changes. But please remember that we would like to move pretty quickly while still in the offseason, so let’s start discussions as soon as possible!
Baneling health upgrade reduced from 10 to 5
It’s pretty clear at this point that +10 health was too much. We don’t think there would be a lot of argument that this isn’t the case. At the same time, we don’t think it’s a good idea to do a full-revert since the tech choices on the Zerg side are a bit better than they were throughout this year. Therefore, we wanted to try changing the bonus from +10 to +5.
Carrier Interceptor cost increased from 5 to 10
A nerf to the Carrier was definitely the biggest discussed topic since the last patch within our community. We wanted to start by making this change and see where the unit lands. If we need to take more steps, we can in the future.
For the Hydralisk, it’s still too early to make a call on where they have landed, but we have been getting feedback that they’re still strong in their current state.