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작성자 아이콘 Bitter
작성일 2018-03-07 08:58:59 KST 조회 1,509
<간단번역> 커뮤니티 피드백 2018.3.6


저그 : 오버로드 수송업 요구사항 진화장 -> 레어로 변경

테란 : 밤까마귀 대장갑미사일 데미지 30스플레쉬 -> 5데미지 고르게로 변경

         (중앙 30데미지에서 점차 줄여나가는 방식에서 범위내에 모두 5데미지로 변경)

       바이킹 체력 125 -> 135 변경

3월 19일에 라이브 업데이트를 목표로 테스트중 바뀔 가능성 있음

(GSL 파이널 직전에 변경될지도..? ㄷㄷ)


아래는 원문

Hey everyone,

We received feedback that Protoss early game options are currently limited in the Protoss vs. Zerg matchup due to the potential of very early Zergling drop builds. Protoss players were having trouble holding off these early attacks without the help of a Stargate and thus gravitated towards opening with a “safe” Stargate in most games. So as to open up the early game for Protoss players, we’ll looking to change the Overlord’s “Mutate Ventral Sacs” upgrade requirement from Evolution Chamber to Lair.


*Overlord’s “Mutate Ventral Sacs” upgrade requirement changed from Evolution Chamber to Lair.

Next, we’ve been seeing a lot of games where Anti-Armor Missile spam becomes the determining factor in the late game in all three Terran matchups. The Anti-Armor Missile is intended to combo with core units such as Marines, Marauders, Liberators, and Cyclones—not to be massed purely for damage, as is currently the case. Thus, we’d like to reduce the damage of Anti-Armor missiles to reinforce its intended function.

At the same time, since Terrans are currently relying on the Raven for their late-game power, reducing the Anti-Armor Missile’s damage would help rein that strategy in. We think this would provide a good opportunity to give Terrans a bit more late-game help in the form of a buff to the Viking.

Vikings are often perceived as being weaker in the current metagame than they were before, partially due to recent changes to other races. We’re proposing a health buff, from 125 to 135, which will not only change the unit’s relationship against anti-air ground units and late-game air units, but also against area-of-effect spells commonly used against them, such as Parasitic Bomb and Psionic Storm.


*Raven’s Anti-Armor missile damage reduced from 30 impact damage with splash fall-off to 5 flat area of effect damage.
*Viking health increased from 125 to 135.

These changes are currently available in the testing matchmaking queue. After testing, we would like to publish the finalized balance changes to live Versus on Monday 3/19. However, keep in mind that this date is subject to change. As always, thanks for you continued interest and please let us know what you think on the forums or any other community sites.




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점령 (2018-03-07 09:30:41 KST)
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아이콘 디멘 (2018-03-07 09:54:41 KST)
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테저전 훨씬 할맛나겠다
아이콘 너나잘하세요. (2018-03-07 10:07:09 KST)
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갓빵썬 (2018-03-07 11:28:01 KST)
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대장갑 얼릉 꿀빨아야겠다
qmffnqpfk (2018-03-07 11:34:22 KST)
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오 바이킹 버프되네요?
아이콘 AzureP (2018-03-07 12:48:14 KST)
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미래가없다 (2018-03-07 15:58:24 KST)
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진짜 dk랑 다른게 뭐냐
play테란 (2018-03-07 17:46:45 KST)
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바이킹은 체력 공격력이 문제가 아니라니까 ㅋㅋ
메롱이옵나이다 (2018-03-07 20:01:42 KST)
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