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작성자 아이콘 MildCocoA
작성일 2010-09-23 21:01:41 PDT 조회 559
현재 1.1패치 공식버그 리포트 ...

북미 배틀넷 공식 토론장에 나온 공식 1.1 버그 리포트입니다.

스2게시판에도 올렸었는데..워낙 빠르게 뒤로 가버려서 못보신분들을 위해 올립니다.

Hey guys, 

Here are some of the issues that exist in Patch 1.1.0: 

3D Vision 

• Lighting will occasionally flicker when playing maps. 
• Disabling and re-enabling 3D Vision while in some missions is causing lighting issues on High and Ultra settings. 
• Graphical corruption can be seen when using the 9800 GX2 in Campaign and Multiplayer maps on High or Ultra settings. 

• Meta achievements can sometimes fail to be awarded properly. 
• Relogging when maps are being downloaded can cause a crash. 
• Players can be unable to navigate to the Singleplayer page or watch Replays after cancelling map downloads from the queue. 
• Some players are displaying an incorrect name on their leagues and ladders page. 


• Graviton Beam will not channel properly if it's cast when a Phoenix has exactly 50 energy. 
• Ultralisk AoE cleave is inappropriately affecting structures. 
• Larvae no longer wander like they used to. 


• The Hyperion Cantina will not load properly on the ATI Radeon 4350 and 5700 cards using the 10.7 Catalyst drivers. 
• Medium lighting is causing abnormal black shadows on the terrain when using ATI x1800 and x1900 cards. 
• Several graphical anomalies occur on Radeon HD 4600 and HD 4800 series cards using the 10.6 Catalyst drivers. 
• Some users on ATI cards may experience temporary game lock-ups when loading multiple missions and then resizing the window or locking the computer. 
• Some users on NVidia cards may experience a temporary yellow screen when loading multiple missions and then resizing the window or locking the computer. 
• Players can experience game stuttering when watching older replays or saved games. 
• Players can experience corrupt cursor issues when using an ATI video card. 


• Some Mac users are unable to join games properly.

라바문제는 제가 북미토론장에 올렸는데 공식리포트에 블리자드 관계자가 넣었네요.. 

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

발도장 찍기
아이콘 멜로 (2010-09-24 13:05:43 KST)
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센스 이미지
버그가 은근히 많네요 ;;
아이콘 MildCocoA (2010-09-24 13:33:46 KST)
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센스 이미지
Nios님이 공지에 올리셨네요..
아이콘 Silver[Snow] (2010-09-24 14:14:03 KST)
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센스 이미지
Bluejay (2010-09-24 15:58:10 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
3d비전 좋을려나 =ㅅ=
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