Q. 어제 vs 정종현과의 패배에 대한 생각
Hi Greg, thanks for sitting down with us. How did you see your series
vs MVP? You took a win on an very hard ZvT map Steppes and but could
not overcome the difficult positions on Metalopolis.
Blistering game upsets me. I knew if I let it get to Meta it'd be a
coinflip since vertical positions there are even worse than steppes. I
was in a solid position on Blistering, had baneling speed up before he
got aggressive and he was just going into a macro game, which is where
I'm comfortable, but I engaged too quick vs his first mm force. Had I
waited I could have crushed it. If I saved more of my banelings, it
would've left me in better position later on. And all I really had to
do was hold off his push at my gold, since if zerg secures their third
on Blistering the game is pretty much over. Steppes I'm of course very
happy with, I felt I really showed what I'm capable of there, and then
meta is just stupid zvt. Two thirds chance of free win, one third of
free loss.
- 1경기 폭염사막에서의 겜이 날 열받게 함. 정종현이 치고 나오기 전에 무난하게 가고 있었는데 꿀네랄 멀티지역에서 너무 성급하게 싸운게 패인. 만약 좀만 참았다면 그 타이밍에 이미 발업된 맹독충이 더 살아 남았을 거고 폭염사막에서 꿀네랄을 제대로 돌렸다면 겜은 거의 이겼다고 봐도 무방. 두번째 전쟁초원 이긴건 졸 기쁨. 세번째 금속도시는 러시 거리가 길면(2/3의 확률) 내가 이김. 하지만 1/3의 확률로 걸리는 본진간 짧은 거리가 영향을 미쳤음.
Q. MVP 정종현이 이번 대회 어디까지 갈 것 인가?
You lost to MVP, who is known for having the highest ladder rank and
being an A-team BW pro. How far do you think he will go in this
tournament? Who do you think will win this GSL?
everything's dependent on the maps with the new system. I think he'll
probably make it to the semifinals vs either MC or Julyzerg, vs July
would be completely based on the maps. Vs MC would be completely based
on MC's nerves. I think the winner of that semifinal will be the
favorite to win the whole thing.
- 맵이 가장 중요. 4강 정도에서 장민철이나 박성준을 만날 것임. 장민철을 만난다면 장민철이 얼마나 긴장하냐에 달려 있고, 박성준이 걸리면 맵에 따라 승패 갈림. 전체적으로 4강 승자가 우승자가 될 것 같음.
Q. 한국 선수들이 너 연습 도와주냐?
Jinro mentioned in his post-game interview that you guys practiced
together a bit. Do you find that non-Koreans tend to practice with each
other and help each other out in Korea?
Ya the last week has
just been me and Ret practicing with Jinro and Select, everyone taking
turns and giving each other advice. We're all friends, so it's natural
we want to help each other, but it's also more beneficial than
practicing vs Koreans since it's easier for us to share ideas and
give/get advice. Even though I lost I've already seen a massive
improvement in my gameplay just from having other foreigners out here to
really train with. It's gotten me very excited for the EG house and
the future of foreigners here in Korea. I really expect a lot more from
us as a group than I did in the past. The Korean players have always recognized that most of them don't like me very much. As far as I know that hasn't
- 요약: Ret Jinro Select 우린 친구. (수정)
한국인 상대로 연습하는 것보다 우리끼리 연습하는 게 아이디어를 제공하거나 받기 편리하기 때문에 우리끼리 연습하는 게 더 낫다고 되어 있습니다. -님 감사.발 번역 죄송.
비록 졌지만 걔네들과 연습하니 내 겜 퀄리티가 엄청 발전했음. 더 많은 외국애들이 EG House에 오기를 원함
Q. EG 팀에서 너랑 합류하는 누군가가 있냐?
Speaking of the EG house, any new news on when that is going to happen and who is going to join you?
is concrete yet, besides that it's going to happen. We're looking at
mid-February next year, but again it's still very up in the air. As for
the players, definitely some of the current EG American players, and
possibly a couple of new recruits. Nothing is set in stone for that
either yet.
- 아직 결정 된 건 없음. 하지만 내년 2월 중순쯤에 현재 EG 멤버나 새로운 멤버가 합류 할 수 있다.
내 생각: GSL 중계진 중 한명인 Tasteless가 저번 주 중계시 Idra 착한 놈이라 함. 단지 하고 싶은 말은 꼭 해서 그런 이미지가 형성 된 거라고. Artosis가 Idra를 trash talk 의 왕이라고 표현한 거 보니 어지간히 하나봄.
아 외국애들 보는 맛으로 GSL 보고 있는데 진로 하나 남았네. 진로 얘는 MLG 우승 하더니 완전 변모. GSL 1,2 시즌 예선 광탈의 모습은 어디로 갔을 까. 독일로 짐챙겨서 돌아간 TLO가 놀라겠네 ㅋㅋ 걔는 저그로 바꾼 뒤 여기저기서 차이던데