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작성자 아이콘 [허경영]
작성일 2011-02-23 01:56:53 KST 조회 713
마켓플레이스 안나올 수도 있다.

Eurogamer: Where are we at with the marketplace idea and players being able to charge for created levels and mods?


Dustin Browder: Struggling. We are moving forward. We are working on it actively now. As you can imagine there is an immense number of challenges for us to overcome. We're trying to deal with those issues. I don't know how we're going to solve some of the player rights issues. How do players protect their own maps so they don't get ripped off by other players? What are the rules of how much you're allowed to charge? There's just a ton of work for us to figure out.

We've never, ultimately, built anything like this before. Some of our competitors have and more power to them. But we haven't done it yet. So there's going to be a bunch of work for us to figure out how to get this done. But it's something we're working on. It's definitely a distance down the road. It's not in the next month. It's going to be some distance before we get this in the hands of the fans.


Eurogamer: Is there a chance it may not happen?


Dustin Browder: Who knows, dude? Anything is possible. We've cancelled whole games before. Warcraft Adventures never made it out and that game was basically done. But we are working very hard on it. We have a bunch of people dedicated to it. I have every hope and belief and faith in its success and we're absolutely committed to getting it done.



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아이콘 시아쿠리스 (2011-02-23 01:58:01 KST)
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작업은 하는데 결과는 모른단거네요..
아이콘 앵주리 (2011-02-23 01:59:09 KST)
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아이콘 스타소스 (2011-02-23 02:04:10 KST)
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유즈맵 돈내고 해야하겟내 6.9주고 샀는대 따로 또 돈이 들면 ㅠ
아이콘 Tedium (2011-02-23 02:11:06 KST)
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아이콘 천공이카리스 (2011-02-24 10:30:50 KST)
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