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작성자 아이콘 IUPrime
작성일 2011-02-26 13:53:15 KST 조회 1,423
1.3.0 PTR 갤디터 패치

StarCraft II Editor Improvements

  • Improved loading times for some custom maps with complex tech restrictions.
  • ->로딩시간 감소인듯..
  • The compiled script memory has been split into a separate block from the global/local stack block. Additional improvements will be made to provide more memory space in the future.
  • -> ?? 스크립트 메모리 관련 내부 수정인듯
  • Command card editor and actor event editor will now be less vulnerable to data errors from changes made in future patches.
  • -> 명령창이랑 행위자이벤트 에디터 에러가 잘 안나게 수정
  • The game cursor now remains visible while loading maps.
  • -> 로딩 중에도 커서 보임
  • Additional options can now be configured using the command card editor.
  • -> 명령창 에디터에서 새로운 옵션 선택 가능?
  • Additional cheats are now available in-game when using Test Document.
  • -> 테스트 게임에서 더 많은 치트 사용 가능.
  • Additional data is now saved out by the data editor to overrides made in arrays of structures to try to prevent unintended changes made to the original data from breaking it.
  • -> 원본데이터 수정 관련되어서 더 많은 데이터 저장?
  • Debug outputs are now displayed in the editor and in-game when using Test Document.
  • -> 디버그 출력 에디터랑 테스트 게임에서 보임
  • Reworked Game Variants dialog to be more user-friendly:
  • -> 게임 변경 형태 대화 상자가 편해짐 
    • General tab has been removed. This text did not appear anywhere in game.
    • -> 일반 탭 삭제. 아무데도 안보임
    • Attributes tab has been split into Game Attributes and Player Attributes.
    • -> 속성 탭이 게임 속성하고 플레이어 속성으로 나눠짐
    • Attribute UI now more closely reflects the game lobby.
    • -> 속성 UI가 게임 로비를 더 잘 반영함
    • Default values are now enforced as necessary based on Player Properties.
    • -> 플레이어 속성에 필요한 기본값 강화???
  • New trigger actions have been added:
  • -> 새로운 트리거 행동 추가  
    • Set Camera Data: Changes the active camera data settings, as defined in the Data module.
    • -> 카메라 데이터 설정 : 데이터 모듈에서 설정한 활성 카메라 데이터 설정을 변경
    • Show/Hide Resource: Shows or hides the specified resource in the UI.
    • -> 자원 감추기/숨기기 추가
    • Lock/Unlock Status Bar: Forces or resets all status bars for a player to a specified state.
    • -> 스테이터스 바를 특정 상태로 잠그기/잠금 해제하기
    • Set Random Seed: Sets the random game seed to the requested value.
    • -> 랜덤 시드 설정. 랜덤 쓸 일 있을때 한번씩 써 주세요. 프로그래밍 하시는 분은 뭔지 아실듯.
    • Enable/Disable Selection Type: A new UI Editor action to disable the various ways that players can change their selected unit.
    • -> 선택 타입 적용? 뭔지 모르겠음
  • New trigger functions have been added:
  • -> 트리거 함수 추가: 
    • Convert Game Hotkey: Looks up hotkey as text.
    • -> 게임 단축키 관련 뭐 하는듯
    • Convert Game Asset: Looks up asset path as text.
    • -> 게임 자산 관련 ㅇㅇ
    • Add On Child: Returns the child unit attached to the specified parent.
    • -> 애드온했을때 부착된거 반환
    • Add On Parent: Returns the parent unit attached to the specified child.
    • -> 애드온했을때 부착시키는거 반환
    • Catalog Entry Is Default: Returns if the specified entry is a default.
    • -> 카탈로그 값이 기본값인지 반환
    • Catalog Field Value Get As Integer: Converts the requested field data into an integer, if possible.
    • -> 카탈로그 정수 값 반환
  • Test Document preferences can now configure an explicit random seed value.
  • -> 문서 시험이 랜덤시드 잘 씀? 상관 없는듯
  • Automatic backup feature (Preferences > Documents) now includes a User Folder location option, which corresponds to a folder named EditorBackup within your StarCraft II documents folder.
  • -> 자동 백업이 사용자 지정 폴더 위치에 되는 옵션 추가
  • Units can now specify a revive cost that will override an ability specific cost. Revive cooldowns & charges located on the unit will now be attached to the unit being revived.
  • -> 유닛 부활 관련해서 수정 내용
  • Instant larva-style training will now charge resources properly.
  • -> 애벌레스타일의 훈련이 제대로 자원을 씀
  • Upgrades modifying units produced by Arm Magazine, Build, Merge, Morph, Train, and Warp Train abilities are now fully supported.
  • -> 탄 장전, 건설, 변태, 훈련, 소환 훈련 능력에 대한 업그레이드 지원
  • The Chance field in effects is now upgradeable.
  • -> 확률 필드 업그레이드 가능
  • Support for browsing "Featured" and "Up And Coming" maps in the Open Document window has been added.
  • -> 새로 추가되는 배틀넷 기능 관련
  • Added a text preview pane to the text editing controls.
  • -> 텍스트 미리보기 패널이 텍스트 에디트에서 추가
  • Added additional states to behaviors, Set Unit State, and Unit Classification Check triggers to determine if a unit is detectable or shown by a radar.
  • -> 동작 관련 뭐 있는데 뭔지 모르겠음
  • Added armor to the Unit Property and Unit Type Property triggers.
  • -> 유닛 속성 / 유닛 유형 속성 트리거에 방어력 추가??
  • Added Weapon Damage and Weapon Speed Multiplier triggers.
  • -> 무기 피해량하고 무기 속도를 곱셈 트리거에 추가?? Multiplier가 뭐지
  • Added support to refresh all buffs of the same type when adding a new instance by using the new "Refresh Stack" flag.
  • -> 강화 효과에 Refresh Stack 플래그 추가. 같은 타입의 강화 효과를 refresh할 수 있음. 근데 refresh가 뭔지 새로 고침인가
  • Added a "Wait to Spend" flag, which is enabled by default, to effect abilities so configure whether orders wait until a cooldown or charge becomes available before they create their effect.
  • -> 기본값인 wait to spend 플래그 추가. 근데 뭔말인지 모르겠음
  • Added an "Offset Area by Angle" flag to search effects to adjust the angle of the search based on the locations involved.
  • -> offset area by angle 플래그를 영역 검색 효과에 추가. 지점 기반의 영역 검색 각도를 수정하는 기능
  • Added an Idle Command to unit data to configure what order the unit performs when idle.
  • -> 아무것도 안 할 때 기본적으로 수행하는 명령을 유닛에 추가할 수 있음?
  • Added an actor message to allow models to change their hit-testable status.
  • -> 행위자 메시지 추가..인데 행위자 메시지가 뭐죠?
  • The Player Property and Modify Player Property triggers can now disable the cost for each resource type.
  • -> 플레이어 속성 / 플레이어 속성 수정 트리거가 각 자원 타입에 관한 비용을 disable 할수있음 disable을 어떻게 번역해야 할까요


Bug Fixes

  • Gameplay
    • StarCraft II will continue running if corrupt textures/models/sounds are encountered.
    • Conversation skipping and trigger skipping now share the same hotkey.
    • The notification that a player left the game during a paused game is no longer delayed until the game is unpaused.
    • Cheat codes now only accept official names.
    • Unit response sounds are now updated immediately when the selection changes.
    • Unit death will no longer show units on the other side of line of sight blockers that weren’t already visible.
    • Units now follow a transport if the transport fills up and they have no other orders.
    • Units inside a bunker no longer disappear if the bunker is destroyed and surrounded by force fields.
    • Units can now be revived multiple times.
    • Hero buttons are now displayed while a hero is dead if they are revivable. Clicking on the button while a hero is dead will either select the building reviving it or cycle between buildings that can.
    • Revivable abilities now show revivable units all the time. If they cannot currently be revived, the buttons are shown disabled.
    • The revive ability now works with multiple dead units.
    • Revived units now properly dispatch a trigger event when killed again.
    • ------->>부활기능 많이 손본듯
    • Added additional information to unit tooltips in the tech trees.
    • An alert has been added when MULEs expire.
    • An alert has been added when the Chrono Boost buff expires.
    • An alert has been added when the Spawn Larva buff expires.
    • Fixed an issue with not being able to land where you just lifted off if there was a nearby unit.
    • Fixed an issue where you could push hold position units by move/hold position spamming.
    • Fixed an issue to prevent force fields from pushing units during construction.
    • Fixed an issue with Creep destroying more foliage than it should, and made foliage destruction by creep faster.
    • Fixed an issue with custom global hotkeys in grid profiles overlapping with unit command buttons.
    • Fixed an issue placing Terran add-on buildings when multiple buildings were selected.
    • The stalemate timer will now reset when any player gathers resources, researches an upgrade, produces a unit, constructs a building, or destroys an enemy building.
    • Additional stalemate warnings are no longer displayed when the game ends in a stalemate.
    • Flying cloaked units are no longer revealed as detected when shown through the fog of war.
    • Vespene Geysers that are taken by your opponent and are under the fog of war no longer randomly flash on and off on the mini-map.
    • Enemy buildings completed while being revealed due to friendly unit death will now properly create snapshots in the fog of war.
    • Casting Neural Parasite on a Zerg Egg will not cancel the spell until after the egg completes its transformation.
    • Changes made to autocast abilities while a unit is under the affects of Neural Parasite are now reset to their default state when Neural Parasite ends.
    • Queuing multiple targets with 250mm Strike Cannons will no longer result in the Thor being stuck until the cooldown ends.
    • SCVs can no longer resume construction on buildings while inside bunkers.
    • Workers gathering minerals can no longer continue to harvest minerals if they are pushed away by a force field.
    • Orders issued to unload units from a Medivac onto itself can now be canceled if the Medivac is scanning for units to heal.
    • The Harvester count in the income leader panel now updates correctly.
    • Bi-directional transformations (i.e. those used by Vikings, Siege Tanks, and burrowing units) are no longer shown in the production leader panel.
    • The resources from salvaged bunkers are no longer counted towards the resources lost in the units lost leader panel.
    • The Mute OS Microphone button has been removed from the voice options page.
    • Tech trees now show icons for units that are produced by a building and display the names for units that are unlocked by a building.
    • Using Edit Box Trigger Dialogs should no longer generate trigger errors.
    • Media keys can no longer be bound to a custom hotkey.
    • Hotkeys configured in a mod are now loaded properly without having to open the Hotkeys menu.
    • Mouse-based hotkeys are now handled properly when the cursor is over the mini-map.
    • Mouse-based hotkeys bound with modifiers are now displayed correctly in the Hotkeys page.
    • The hotkey for the Cancel button is now displayed when targeting with an ability if the Command Hotkey Text option is enabled.
  • StarCraft II Editor
    • Fixed an issue where editor control files could not be loaded in all languages.
    • Fixed an issue with pasting text values in the editor.
    • Fixed an issue where certain data fields would not list all possible values.
    • Fixed an issue where the editor would crash after pasting a placed unit.
    • Fixed a crash using the Unit Weapon Firing validator.
    • Player Properties will no longer allow all 16 players to be User/Computer, which is not supported.
    • Animations in the previewer will now display using localized text.
    • Game and player versions of the cooldown & charge triggers now interpret time values correctly.
    • Sounds played simultaneously for multiple players via the Play Sound trigger can now be heard properly.
    • Increasing the maximum number of charges with an upgrade no longer increases the current number of charges.
    • Setting a unit’s training progress to 100% will no longer cancel the training.


    함께 해석해봅시다 여러분

    버그픽스 게임플레이는 갤디터 관련이 아래쪽에 있어서 그냥 가져옴

    오역 존나 많을듯;

    지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
    신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

    발도장 찍기
    아이콘 되살아난궤텔페르 (2011-02-26 13:57:53 KST)
    0↑ ↓0
    센스 이미지
    irc에서 드론이랑 같이 읽긴 다 읽었는데 정리해서 적기가 귀찮...
    갤디터적으로 중요한건 확률필드가 업그레이드 가능한거랑 동작 스택시 지속시간 초기화 플래그가 생겼다는정도인듯.
    인기도도 많이 개선됐음.
    아이콘 별사냥꾼.430 (2011-02-26 21:50:55 KST)
    0↑ ↓0
    센스 이미지
    사용자 지정 UI 쓰는데 폭풍버그가 있진 않겠죠...?? 제발...ㅠㅠ
    아이콘 jjangmat (2011-02-27 10:59:28 KST)
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    센스 이미지
    로딩속도 감소 원했던게 나오네요.
    근데 불러오는 속도인가요 테스트 로딩 속도인가요?
    아이콘 hsh0908y (2011-02-27 18:43:09 KST)
    0↑ ↓0
    센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
    자원 감추기/숨기기가 아니라 보이기/숨기기
    댓글을 등록하려면 로그인 하셔야 합니다. 로그인 하시려면 [여기]를 클릭하십시오.
    롤토체스 TFT - 롤체지지 LoLCHESS.GG
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    배그 전적검색은 닥지지(DAK.GG)에서 가능합니다
    • (주)플레이엑스피
    • 대표: 윤석재
    • 사업자등록번호: 406-86-00726

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