작성자 | 조도섬의지배자 | ||
작성일 | 2019-11-19 11:20:23 KST | 조회 | 1,306 |
제목 |
모드로 게임을 할때 이런 메시지가 뜨며 튕깁니다
제가 만든 간단한 모드로(노멀 게임에 스타1유닛좀 몇개 추가한)할때 원래 튕긴적이 없는데, 요 몇일사이 계속 이런 메시지가 뜨면서 튕기네요. 그것도 피시방 컴퓨터를 사용하기 때문에 특정컴퓨터 문제가 아닌듯 한데....
이건 서버의 문제인가요 컴퓨터의 문제인가요 아니면 제가 만든 모드의 문제탓일까요;; 모드에는 별거 추가한게 없는데 말이죠
무슨짓을 해도 해결이 안되네요 ㅠㅜ
[20191119T11:04:20] {2a08} WRN: missing optional 'onAudioStateChanged' callback
[20191119T11:04:20] {2a08} WRN: missing optional 'onCookiesCleared' callback
[20191119T11:04:20] {2a08} ERR: failed to fetch process block size from shmem: SHMEM_NOT_FOUND
[20191119T11:04:20] {2a08} ERR: failed to read target process block for pid: '8232'
GFX 11:04:13.835 ====================================================================================================
GFX 11:04:13.834 DXGI: Available
GFX 11:04:13.980 Resource Cache Override Variable: 0MB
GFX 11:04:13.980 Resource Cache: 2048MB Win64 (16272MB Physical, 6478MB Process Virtual)
GFX 11:04:13.980 Resource Cache Sound: 204MB
GFX 11:04:13.980 Resource Cache Common: 1843MB
GFX 11:04:13.980 Resource Cache VRam: 0MB
GFX 11:04:13.987 Selected display mode 1920x1080x0 with format D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 and error delta 0
GFX 11:04:13.987 Adapter [0]: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB (VendorID 0x10de DeviceID 0x1c02)
GFX 11:04:13.987 Attempting CreateDevice on adapter [0] (VendorID 0x10de DeviceID 0x1c02)
GFX 11:04:14.030 CreateDevice succeeded
GFX 11:04:14.030 Using adapter [0]
GFX 11:04:14.030 Floating point render targets supported.
GFX 11:04:14.033 DXGI Adapter Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
GFX 11:04:14.033 VRAM Detected: Dedicated [2988MB] Shared [8136MB] (DXGI)
GFX 11:04:14.033 VRAM Override Variables: Dedicated [0MB] Shared [0MB]
GFX 11:04:14.033 Initialized D3D9 GraphicsDevice: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB (Driver Version:, VRAM: 2988MB, SVMEM: 8136MB).
GFX 11:04:14.037 Selected display mode 1920x1080x0 with format D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 and error delta 0
GFX 11:04:14.037 Hardware Depth Sampling: Available
GFX 11:04:14.038 VRAM texture space: 2048MB
GFX 11:04:15.231 PerfNotifiers initialized
GFX 11:04:15.346 Selected display mode 1920x1080x0 with format D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 and error delta 0
GFX 11:04:15.346 Lost D3D9 device
GFX 11:04:15.358
GFX 11:04:15.358 D3D9 Device Reset from unknown returned e_errorKindGfx(0)
GFX 11:05:27.242 DirectX call m_device->TestCooperativeLevel() failed with error code -2005530519
GFX 11:05:27.242 DirectX call failed with error code -2005530519
GFX 11:05:27.242 Lost D3D9 device
GFX 11:05:27.380
GFX 11:05:27.380 D3D9 Device Reset from ::OnRender returned e_errorKindGfx(0)
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