작성자 | 그게모양 | ||
작성일 | 2012-10-31 04:53:57 KST | 조회 | 132 |
제목 |
플라즈마 무기는 언제 나오나요?
일레리움이 없으면 무리인가
여담이지만 엑스컴 플라즈마 저격총 연구 텍스트
Our continued research into the alien's plasma weaponry has finally uncovered a fault in the design - the plasma bolt itself begins to dissipate at extreme ranges. We have several theories as to how this issue might be overcome, and if successful, the result would be a sniper rifle of unparalleled power.
카피하는걸로 모자라 엄청난 개량 ㄷㄷ해
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