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작성자 아이콘 김강건포니
작성일 2012-11-01 18:08:00 KST 조회 144
디3 메타크리틱스코어 의외로 높네요

깎일 거 다 깎였는데도 88로 끝났네.

참고로 현재 헤일로4는 91

유저점수는 여전히 테러블함 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

My previous review was 3/10. Since patch 1.0.4 I've given the game a second chance. It got better, but the loot was still terrible, forcing people to use the RMAH which felt like f2p BS. With patch 1.0.5 the loot is dropping like mad. It feels way more like D2. Furthermore the skill system that I hated at first ended up being one of the best features. I never feel like I'm stuck with a build. My barbarian has gone through more transformations than a DBZ character, and I didn't have to use a trainer or hack to do it. This game is not a 10/10, but it's no longer the 3/10 that it was at launch. It didn't feel right to be a hater so I had to update my review.

그와중에 아량 넓은 한 유저가 디3에게 친히 세컨드 촨스를 내려주시기로 하셨음

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발도장 찍기
아이콘 그게모양 (2012-11-01 18:12:52 KST)
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사실 요즘 점수는 다 후하게 주는거 아닌가여?
아이콘 A-27크롬웰 (2012-11-01 18:13:07 KST)
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불지옥 전까지는 레알 명작
김강건포니 (2012-11-01 18:13:13 KST)
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