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작성자 공부해라
작성일 2013-01-06 23:50:07 KST 조회 460
누구는 22살에 헌법도 썼는데

In 1998, Beate Sirota Gordon, former Performing Arts Director of the Japan Society, was decorated by the Japanese Government for her long-term service to Japanese culture. However, she should be better remembered for her contribution to Japanese womens equality by drafting portions of the post-World War II Japanese Constitution. How was she, at the age of 22, involved in this historic and highly political enterprise?

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발도장 찍기
김강건포니 (2013-01-06 23:50:58 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
랭보는 18살에 시를 썼다던데..
아이콘 적당국수 (2013-01-06 23:52:44 KST)
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센스 이미지
22살이면 포경은 이미 했겠죠?
아이콘 루디 (2013-01-06 23:53:34 KST)
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뭐야 jp인데 영어라니
가식콩가루 (2013-01-06 23:53:40 KST)
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