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작성자 아이콘 미스틱케이지
작성일 2013-03-06 11:29:56 KST 조회 148
월탱 탄테크 망했어욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

This isn't a joke or troll. It's 100% serious.

Individuals will be checked on the RU servers regarding this issue. It wasn't common knowledge before the patch there like it's common knowledge here and on the NA server. If there was a massive amount of RU players who made millions of credits that's for the RU support and community to deal with.

The shell value is the same for NA as it is EU.

Regarding all the rage and frankly outrageous comments. - Nothing is being taken from you. You're getting back exactly what you spent. Please just hold off what you're typing, take a deep breath and actually read what we're saying.

If we notice an issue before a test client goes live of course we're going to take measures to fix it if we can, especially when you're talking about generating hundreds of millions of free credits. It's not an exploit as such, but the change to shell price sure as heck wasn't intended to give players a free payout.

Please stop for a few moment, take a deep breath and look at what you're really angry about.  - You're unhappy we've done something to stop players taking advantage of a mistake we made.  The mistake was corrected before it was a problem... And we're somehow in the wrong for doing that?
"Hey WG, you messed up, but you fixed it before it was an issue. You're scum WG."

Once again, everyone is getting back their credits spent. No one is losing their credits.  If you did things like sell tanks or convert gold into credits specifically for that, all I can suggest is contacting our support team but it's very unlikely you'll have your tanks refunded because some guy on the forums told you how to make a quick buck.


간단히 말해서 WG는 8.3의 탄값들은 8.4때 '오른 가격으로 적용받지 못할것' 이며
8.4때 산 탄만 오른 가격대로 지불/판매가 가능하다는것에 유져들이 항의하고 난리가 나자 글을 올린것입니다

게임내 경제에 민감 할수밖에 없는 개발사로서는 당연한 행동입니다

WG는 자신이 실수를 했고, 그 실수가 일로 번지기 전에 수습을 한것이라는 거죠
맞는 말이죠 이거 '재테크/투자' 아닙니다, '투기'죠

지금이라도 탄 사시는분 멈추시고 멘붕하지 마시기 바랍니다..

쌤통이다 난 안했지만

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

공부해라 (2013-03-06 11:31:07 KST)
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