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작성자 아이콘 A-27크롬웰
작성일 2014-04-22 11:33:05 KST 조회 126
워겡미 예비군드립
한국 예비군말고, 여러 국가 예비군의 흉악성에 대한 드립

We now understand: reservists are not people. From now on, the word "reservist" is the worst curse imaginable. From now on, the word "reservist" means pressing the trigger. We will not talk. We will not post on forums. We will kill. If you did not kill a reservist today, your day is wasted. If you think your teammate will kill a reservist for you, you do not understand the threat. If you don't kill a reservist, a reservist will kill you. He will take your high-end tanks and waste all their ATGM with his 5-point APCs. If you can't kill a reservist with a bullet, kill him with napalm. If your sector is silent, and you're waiting for combat to start, kill the reservist before it starts. If you let a reservist live, he will destroy Soviet AA and humiliate Soviet Spetsnaz. If you have already killed a reservist, kill another one - nothing is better than dead reservists. Do not count XP earned. Do not count sectors captured. Count one thing: the reservists you killed. Kill the reservist! - Asks uncle Shade. Kill the reservist! - ask PACT nubs. Kill the reservist! - screams your homeland, starting sector Ivan. Do not miss. Do not skip a beat. Kill!

공산주의 프로퍼갠다 패러디죠 네

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발도장 찍기
공부해라 (2014-04-22 11:50:26 KST)
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센스 이미지
적위대놈들은 까도 됩니다

남한 예비군은 안경 아저씨에 양심적이니 오케이
아이콘 A-27크롬웰 (2014-04-22 11:51:01 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
사실 기관총 든 예비군이 최고사기
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