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작성자 아이콘 그게모양
작성일 2014-09-20 18:58:02 KST 조회 205
비욘드 어스에 등장하는 퀘스트
Occupational Hazard
It’s clear that the indigenous species of this planet may pose a threat to our growth. Though we cannot determine their intelligence, their hostility has been documented. Moving forwards, we must decide how to deal with them. Do we attempt to domesticate the local wildlife or exterminate it?

Domesticate Wildlife: (Harmony, Supremacy)

Eradicate: (Purity)

(If Eradicate)
Objective: Clear 2 Alien Nests
Reward: 30 Points towards Purity

(If Domesticate)

We should not be so quick to destroy that which we do not understand. Instead, let us build an Alien Preserve that we may study them and better understand their needs.

Objective: Build 2 Alien Preserves

(위 퀘스트 완료시)

Our research shows that the Aliens can not only be trained to perform complex tasks, but can even show affection. How will this information affect our future relationship with these creatures? Should we put them to work on our farms or give them peaceful homes with our families?
Objective: Quest Descision
Adopt Wildlife: (Harmony)
Reward: Gives 50(? Enough for 3.75 levels) points towards Harmony
Train for Labor: (Supremacy)

Reward: Presumably gives 50 points towards Supremacy, but this is unverified by any video.

외계 애완동물

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

김노숙 (2014-09-20 18:59:15 KST)
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아이콘 그게모양 (2014-09-20 19:00:41 KST)
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