작성자 | 그게모양 | ||
작성일 | 2014-10-18 20:13:40 KST | 조회 | 1,143 |
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비욘드 어스 / 유로파 AoW / 엔드리스 레전드중 어떤걸 해야 할까요?
Tragic Dilemmas - BE vs EU4 addon
Yeah. So Beyond Earth is released next week. It's brilliant although there is also incoming super - awesome Europa Universalis IV: Art of War expansion, which everyone expected to come in December and suddenly it has release date in 30 October
To further complicate things, Endless Legends has just been released and it is next top - tier super - awesome strategy game + I have few more games to play so...
Damn. It seems after a first week of free BE rampage I will have to make very difficult choices And I am studying!
Anyone having similar problems?
Welp, BE will be awful, just a knock-off with the Civ5 engine that'll only be mentioned in the same breath as the Civ4 Colonization remake by this time next year. Art of War will be horribly buggy until at least three major patches get pushed out, the religious coalition system will be unbalanced and result in a consistent steamroller by one side (whichever one you're not playing), and I give it 50:50 odds that the 30YW event chains will be broken and fail to function half the time due to abstruse trigger functions that half of the player base and the AI can't manage. And since it's already out and you like it, Endless Legends will have a patch pushed in the next few days that completely breaks the game balance in a manner not in your favour, making things ridiculously difficult. Just for good measure, Steam will also crash and your power supply will short out in a way that zaps your motherboard. Choices solved.
...Alright, that was purely tongue-in-cheek, but doesn't it make you feel better about the actual situation? :P
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