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작성자 엽록소
작성일 2014-10-27 19:19:46 KST 조회 313
이상한 사이트 발견함

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    [레벨:264]opskorea55 2014.10.19 21:53
    We always need to try to understabd English with 진짜영어 not 번역체.
    ※I am happy to take any comment for wrong points in my sentences.
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    [레벨:999]dispia 2014.10.19 21:56
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    [레벨:108]TADOJen 2014.10.19 23:03
    재패니스 잉글리쉬는 답이 안나오네요.. 나 참!!
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    [레벨:188]Lemon불량품 2014.10.19 23:44
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    [레벨:51]dreamer꿈꾸는이 2014.10.19 23:58
    People have food to eat.
    Thank you,sir.
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    [레벨:19]ponder곰곰생각하다 2014.10.20 02:03
    wow.... i always admire your deep thinking.
    I've never doubted the meaning of 'have' but your teaching is breaking this.
    Thank you teacher! you are my saver!
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    [레벨:517]유꾸리맨 2014.10.20 02:14
    Now I know there has no mean "eat" in the word "have"
    I hope other members understand that real mean too
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    [레벨:75]브라 2014.10.20 03:23
    Every English word is always throwing in us much of food for thought concerning its true, authentic meainging, of course, including prepostions....which come even more tricky and demanding to us....It takes time for us to think them over and over again and then realize what looks unrelated but closely connected to variously divergent meanings of each preposition.
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    [레벨:683]id: save구하다save구하다 2014.10.20 09:22
    I have an apple after lunch.
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    [레벨:40]호수공원 2014.10.20 11:32
    Dispa can include things like helping to improve writing in English, 
    helping to make sure that all possibe speaking in English will be done
    even to make sure that all people have a food of mind to remember.
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    [레벨:348]epic대단한 2014.10.20 18:58
    I got it! this is the real meaning of have. Thank you!
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    [레벨:96]sleep 2014.10.20 23:12
    Have is No have mean "eat"
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    [레벨:28]새벽 2014.10.21 12:17

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