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작성자 아이콘 GLaDOS
작성일 2014-11-09 09:02:58 KST 조회 2,276
오버워치 공개 정보

아래가 원문이고, 쉬운 부분만 매우 간략하게 의역해보겠습니다.
(오역 지적해주시면 수정하겠습니다. / 아래 아만보님이 올리신 글 내용과 중복되는 이미지가 다수 있습니다.)

    • Chris Metzen is the lead creative director on Overwatch.
  • Bill Petras is the Art Director of Overwatch. He was the Art Director for World of Warcraft in the past.
  • Jeff Chamberlain is the VFX supervisor on Overwatch. He worked on the Heart of the Swarm, Wrath of the Lich King, Mists of Pandaria, Diablo III: RoS, and other Blizzard cinematics.
  • The art in the game is high quality but still has the Blizzard style.
  • The art should be vibrant, edgy, with silhouettes, as well as feeling handcrafted and detailed. Readability of the art is important.
  • Overwatch uses a new engine with new technology.
  • There was a partnership from day 1 between the cinematic team and the game artists.
  • Torbjörn was the first character that they modeled.
  • Pharah came from the idea of having a hero with a jetpack and rocket launcher. The original nickname was Rocket Dude. Exploring the story and personality of the character helped to refine the concept to what we see today. The team then worked on finding the right voice actor for the character.
  • Creating these heroes was a very team based process.
  • Warcraft started out very simple and then added in new characters, story, and art over time. Overwatch is starting from the same place, a simple beginning and lots of potential for the future in terms of story and characters.
  • The team wanted Tracer to be the centerpiece hero, as everyone on the team loved her.
  • The cinematic and in game art team both worked on Tracer at the same time, working together to refine her art.
  • The new engine and development process allowed both teams to work together to have Tracer's model in the cinematic and game be very similar.
  • Winston was a challenging model to work on, as he has a lot of movements and a rage mode that changes his movements. The model may not be complete yet.
  • Winston was also challenging to work on for the cinematics team, as there is a lot of clipping with his armor and how he moves, so the team just hid parts of the armor that aren't facing the camera to avoid clipping.
  • Widowmake was the one of the easier characters to model.
  • The Overwatch poster is a important part of uniting the team during the development process. They started earlier in the development process, trying different layouts and less heroes, but the final product felt like it worked right the comic book style of the game. There is enough space to add more and more heroes to the poster as they are added to the game.
  • There are a few heroes on the poster that aren't part of the 12 that are playable at Blizzcon.
  • The child in the cinematic made Chris Metzen's inner six year old do cartwheels. He hopes everyone loves the game, but almost doesn't care.
  • Blizzard is used to working on huge epic stories in other games, so this is a new direction for them and it is exciting. A bright, fun, heroic world that reaches for everyone's inner six year old!
  • Jeff Chamberlain claimed the project as soon as he heard the pitch.
  • The original cinematic just had the 12 boards in the image below and the story today is very similar.
  • After seeing the story pitch, Metzen said "If we don't make this story, I don't want to work here". Everyone was excited for Overwatch.
  • The team was working late one night and needed a full match to test some features. They ended up playing for hours after they started, which made them realize how much fun it was. The team was making the game because they enjoyed it, not because anyone assigned them the project.


  • There will be plenty of diversity of hero types. They are aware people want to feel represented in game.
  • There might be Overwatch characters in Heroes of the Storm in the future.
  • The team has been working on Overwatch for roughly a year and a half, starting on the idea after the Titan team was reallocated to other games. Normally you have to spend some time pitching a game to developers, but most were in very quickly for Overwatch.
  • No real answer to if there will be collectable hats.
  • Skins sound like a good idea, but nothing to announce.
  • The actual gameplay doesn't have a big bad villain so that players can have heroes fight heroes rather than having specific villains that restrict gameplay. The deep and rich story will take place outside of the game. The story shouldn't hinder or restrict the gameplay in any way.
  • There aren't any immediate plans to add an adventure mode to the game to play each hero and explore their story, but it is something they are interested in doing.
  • The game has some similarities to TF2, but it is still a very different game. TF2 has a limited number of roles with some more customization through weapon choices. Overwatch also has some more mobility, with some heroes that can fly or use grapple hooks. Overwatch is more about hero abilities than it is about putting a crosshair over the other heroes.

● 크리스 멧젠은 오버워치의 수석 크리에이티브 디렉터다.

 빌 페트라스는 오버워치의 아트 디렉터이다. 그는 과거 월드 오브 워크래프트의 아트 디렉터로 일했다.

 제프 체임벌린은 오버워치의 VFX 감독이다. 그는 리치왕의 분노, 판다리아의 안개, 군단의 심장, 영혼을 거두는 자 등의 시네마틱을 작업했다.

 게임의 아트 퀄리티가 매우 높아졌으나, 여전히 블리자드 스타일을 유지하고 있다.

 오버워치는 새로운 엔진과 기술을 사용한다.

 시네마틱 작업팀과 게임 팀(아트팀)이 동시에 작업을 진행했고, 첫날부터 협력했으며,

또한 새로운 엔진과 개발과정 덕분에 시네마틱과 게임 내 모델이 유사하게 만들어질 수 있었다.

 토르비욘은 가장 처음 모델링한 영웅이다.

 파라는 '제트팩과 로켓런쳐를 지닌 영웅'이라는 아이디어로부터 스토리와 개성을 구체화했으며, 기존에 부르던 명칭은 'Rocket Dude'였다.

 이러한 영웅들을 창조하는 것은 매우 팀웤에 기반한 과정이었다.

 워크래프트는 처음엔 매우 단순했으나, 갈수록 새로운 캐릭터, 이야기, 아트를 추가해왔다.

오버워치 또한 같은 시작점에 있으며, 앞으로 여러 이야기와 캐릭터들이 추가될 수 있다.

 개발팀이 트레이서를 아끼는 만큼, 팀은 그녀가 중심적인 영웅이 되기를 원한다.

 윈스턴은 그 움직임, 그리고 분노모드를 통해 변화하는 움직임 등을 구현하는데 있어 매우 도전적인 모델이다.

 위도우메이커는 모델링이 가장 쉬운 영웅이었다.

 시네마틱의 꼬맹이는 크리스 멧젠 내면의 장난꾸러미 여섯살짜리를 의미한다.

 블리자드는 다른 게임들에서 거대한 서사시를 풀어가고 있으며, 

 오버워치는 새로운 방향..사람들의 내면에 있는 여섯살짜리에게 와닿을만한 흥분되고, 밝고, 재밌고, 영웅적인 세계다.

 개발팀은 밤늦게까지 작업했고, 몇가지를 시험하기 위해 테스트플레이를 시작한지 4시간이 지났을 때, 요게 얼마나 재미있는지 깨달았다. 개발팀은 누가 자신들에게 프로젝트를 할당시켜서 때문이 아닌, 그들이 즐거웠기 때문에 이 게임을 계속 만들어왔다.

 영웅의 타입에는 다양성이 있고,

 영웅들은 나중에 히어로즈 오브 스톰에 참전할 것이고,

 스킨 추가는 그럴싸한 아이디어지만, 아직 공개할만한 것은 없다.

 각자의 영웅으로 그들의 스토리를 경험하게 하는 어드벤쳐모드는 아직 계획한 것이 없다. 관심은 가지고 있다.

 팀포트리스2와 몇몇 유사성이 있으나, 오버워치는 다른 게임이고 여러가지 차별점을 지닌다.

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

발도장 찍기
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