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작성자 아이콘 그게모양
작성일 2014-12-04 15:42:37 KST 조회 300
캬 양키성님 지능적으로 BE까는거 보소

Civilization Beyond Earth or Euro Track Simulator 2?

I've always liked games that allowed me to set up my own trading empire and deliver various goods between cities. The first Euro Truck Simulator has been a perfect game for me for a long time but I feel like I've seen everything the game has to offer by now. I thought about getting the 2012 edition of the game but I'm affraid it could just be more of the same.

Then I heard about the newest Civilization game and its amazing trade route system, praised by many players. While the game doesn't seem to allow a realistic driver's experience like Euro Truck Sim does, I feel the management of sheer number of trade routes available could be enough to occupy me for a long time.

From what I gather there are even some additional objectives in this game, like building my own cities (could be interesting!) or constructing vehicles other than trade convoys. Are those features polished enough to make up for the lack of first-person driving?

All feedback is appreciated!

댓글도 재밌음

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아이콘 옐로오커 (2014-12-04 15:55:54 KST)
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우월승리: 안전하게 지구행 무역로를 뚫기 위해 호송대 파견하기
HI5 (2014-12-04 16:00:44 KST)
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BE가 어떻길래?
Ten(9) (2014-12-04 16:09:11 KST)
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무역 시스템이 수동에 귀찮아서

플레이 영상보면 겁나 무역 경로만 설정했던듯
아이콘 파워군[성격파탄] (2014-12-04 16:48:28 KST)
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Be 최고 단점중에 하나가 무역로 설정이라며요?
그렇다고 무역안하기엔 너무 빡시고
아이콘 A-27크롬웰 (2014-12-04 17:23:22 KST)
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