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작성자 아이콘 그게모양
작성일 2015-02-18 00:47:22 KST 조회 760
EU4는 무슨 게임인가요?

In Europa Universalis IV you play a powerful sorcerer that acts as the "guiding hand" for the nation. The spells you cast draw on three mana pools: Paper Mana, Bird Mana, and Sword Mana. Bird mana is used to make peace deals, genocide cultures, and stop your people from whining about war weariness. Paper mana, in combination with a gold sacrifice, can be used to cast construction spells, in addition to making a province you gained two years ago a core part of your nation somehow. Sword mana is used for enchanting rebel factions to keep them in line. You generate mana for these pools by sucking the life essence from your monarch and his cabinet of advisors. Be careful, though, as the ones that generate the most mana tend to die rather quickly. You'll frequently see your 6/4/5 monarch die by age 30.

You'll notice that most of the spells are involved with either war or keeping your people from whining about war. Don't worry, that's by design. There's nothing to do if you aren't at war.

10/10 it's okay

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