The person most widely acknowledged as having coined the term is Dutch psychiatrist and writer Frederik (Willem) van Eeden (1860–1932).[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] In a lucid dream, the dreamer has greater chances to exert some degree of control over their participation within the dream or be able to manipulate their imaginary experiences in the dream environment.[10][11][12] Lucid dreams can be realistic and vivid.[13] It is shown that there are higher amounts of beta-1 frequency band (13–19 Hz) brain wave activity experienced by lucid dreamers, hence there is an increased amount of activity in the parietal lobes making lucid dreaming a conscious process.
이거 무슨말인가요. 루시드 드림 꾸는사람이 일반인보다 뇌파가 13-19가 더높다는건가여