작성자 | 그게모양 | ||
작성일 | 2016-01-27 19:33:37 KST | 조회 | 404 |
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게이머의 성향
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각 항목은 2개 세부항목으로 나뉘는데 뭐 아래처럼 되어있음
Destruction (63%): Gamers who score high on this component are agents of chaos and destruction.
Excitement (10%): Gamers who score high on this component enjoy games that are fast-paced, intense, and provide a constant adrenaline rush.
Challenge (69%): Gamers who score high on Challenge enjoy playing games that rely heavily on skill and ability.
Strategy (62%): Gamers who score high on this component enjoy games that require careful decision-making and planning.
Completion (61%): Gamers with high Completion scores want to finish everything the game has to offer.
Power (66%): Gamers who score high on this component strive for power in the context of the game world.
Competition (73%): Gamers who score high on this component enjoy competing with other players, often in duels, matches, or team-vs-team scenarios.
Community (64%): Gamers who score high on Community enjoy socializing and collaborating with other people while gaming.
Fantasy (15%): Gamers who score high on Fantasy want their gaming experiences to allow them to become someone else, somewhere else.
Story (21%): Gamers who score high on Story want games with elaborate campaign storylines and a cast of multidimensional characters with interesting back-stories and personalities.
Discovery (35%): Gamers who score high on Discovery are constantly asking “What if?” For them, game worlds are fascinating contraptions to open up and tinker with.
Design (28%): Gamers who score high on this component want to actively express their individuality in the game worlds they find themselves in.
(이 사이트는 모인 조사 결과를 팔고 있습니다)
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