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작성자 아이콘 김노숙
작성일 2016-06-25 02:09:25 KST 조회 420
The British are frantically Googling what the E.U. is, hours after voting to leave it 


 Google reported sharp upticks in searches not only related to the ballot measure but also about basic questions concerning the implications of the vote. At about 1 a.m. Eastern time, about eight hours after the polls closed, Google reported that searches for "what happens if we leave the EU" had more than tripled. 

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발도장 찍기
로코코 (2016-06-25 02:18:38 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
If I'd had the opportunity to vote again, it would be to stay."

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
김노숙 (2016-06-25 02:20:23 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
로코코 (2016-06-25 02:23:15 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
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