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작성자 아이콘 김노숙
작성일 2016-09-21 21:45:17 KST 조회 469
Lugonu Says: Spread carnage and corruption!
파일포켓 이미지

Banished to the chaotic realm of the Abyss, Lugonu the Unformed seeks followers to spread bloodshed and corruption in the overworld. Those who gain Lugonu's favour will be granted some of the power of the Abyss itself, allowing them to call forth eldritch horrors, and even to travel between the overworld and the Abyss at will.

Followers of Lugonu gain powers to depart the Abyss at will, to bend space around themselves, and to banish monsters to the Abyss. Later they will be able to corrupt the ordered world, opening a gate for creatures of the Abyss to pass through, and to gate themselves directly into this realm of chaos. Lugonu will eventually offer to corrupt a follower's weapon, imbuing it with the distorting energies of the Abyss, and will protect the follower from the normally harmful effects of unwielding such a weapon. Lugonu expects followers to spread unceasing chaos in the overworld, and as such does not grant piety to worshippers while they remain in the Abyss itself.

Lugonu likes it when you banish creatures to the Abyss, you sacrifice fresh corpses, you or your allies kill living beings, you or your allies kill the undead, you or your allies kill demons and you or your allies kill holy beings. 


Piety level -: "Abyss-Baptised"

You may unwield distortion branded weapons without suffering any of the normal ill effects. (Passive)

Piety level *: "Unweaver"

Depart the Abyss - You can immediately leave the Abyss, returning to the point you initially entered the Abyss from. 

Piety level **: "Distorting [Species Name]"

Bend Space - You can perform uncontrolled blinks at will, with a chance of causing adjacent monsters to blink as well. All affected targets that fail a coinflip check take damage (Max: 1d6 HP). The chance of affecting adjacent monsters, as well as the damage dealt, increases with Invocations. This blink cannot be controlled in any way, ignores stasis, and can't be blocked by the power of the Abyss.

Piety level ***: "Agent of Entropy"

Banish - You can zap a beam of banishment, sending a single target to the Abyss. The power of the beam scales with your Invocations skill. You receive XP proportional to the percentage of the monster's max HP you had already inflicted as damage on it: 50 + 50×(Damage/MaxHP) percent. Banished uniques and more powerful monsters will appear while exploring the Abyss. Do not use this on the royal jelly unless you have some means of breaking into the stone vaults in its lair.

Piety level ****: "Schismatic"

Corrupt - You can corrupt the non-Abyss floor you're on, randomly converting the walls and floors of a large area around you to randomly selected other tiles. Altars may become altars to Lugonu. Stairs and portals cannot be changed, and harder walls are more likely to resist. Unnaturally hard walls are immune to this effect. In addition, a pack of abyssal creatures will be summoned, all of them neutral. The higher your Invocations, the higher the amount of monsters. You may only corrupt a floor once.

Piety level *****: "Envoy of Void"

Gate yourself to the Abyss - You can instantly banish yourself to the Abyss, but at a high price.

Abyssal Rune Attraction - While in the Abyss, the chance of a placed item resulting in an Abyssal rune is normally 5% in Abyss:3, 10% in Abyss:4, and 23% in Abyss:5. For followers of Lugonu, it is 10% in Abyss:3, 23% in Abyss:4 and 50% in Abyss:5.

Piety level ******: "Corrupter of Planes"

Corrupt Your Weapon - Once per game, Lugonu will corrupt a weapon of your choice. Corrupting a weapon removes curses, adds 1-3 to its enchantment, and adds the distortion brand. You can corrupt any non-artifact melee weapon as long as it isn't already branded with distortion. 

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