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작성자 아이콘 수비니우스
작성일 2016-11-09 00:06:23 KST 조회 857
과거사 청산을 프랑스처럼?

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아이콘 플토지만허접 (2016-11-09 00:12:56 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
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아이콘 그게모양 (2016-11-09 00:18:12 KST)
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센스 이미지

By 1 July 1949, the High Court had given out 108 sentences (106 of them concerned former ministers [5]):

In eight cases, the defendants had died before their trials and judicial proceedings were stopped. For example, Jean Bichelonne.[5]
Three persons, including Marcel Peyrouton, were acquitted, and 42 were given non-lieux (similar to acquittals),[5] including Jacques Le Roy Ladurie and Jérôme Carcopino, Minister of National Education in François Darlan's cabinet (1941–1942).
Eighteen were sentenced to death, of whom only three were executed. They were Pierre Laval, Milice leader Joseph Darnand, and Fernand de Brinon, representative of the Vichy government to the German High Command in Paris and state secretary. Five sentences were commuted, among them Pétain, Henri Dentz, commander of the Army of the Levant, and Raphaël Alibert, signatory of the first Statute on Jews.[5] Ten others were condemned to death in absentia (including Louis Darquier de Pellepoix, Commissioner for Jewish Affairs).[5]
Eight were sentenced to forced labour. They were Jacques Chevalier, Minister Paul Baudoin, Charles Nogues, Minister Gabriel Auphan, Minister Hubert Lagardelle, and others.[5]
Fourteen were given prison sentences, including Yves Bouthillier, André Marquis, préfet maritime of Toulon, Bléhaut Henri, and others. Only one was a life sentence, given to Jean-Pierre Esteva.[5]
Fifteen sentences of dégradation nationale were issued, including François Piétri, Vichy ambassador to Spain, and Adrien Marquet. Seven of those fifteen sentences would be suspended for compensating "acts of Resistance", including Jean Ybarnegaray and André Parmentier.[5]

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