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작성자 아이콘 A-27크롬웰
작성일 2018-01-01 23:23:44 KST 조회 656
이민선 모는 텍스트겜 Seedship


이민선 관리 AI의 역할을 맡아 1000명의 냉동된 인간들을 새로운 세계로 배달하는 겜.

예를 들어


Arcadia's tall alien plants reach hundreds of metres into a pale blue sky. The colonists live in tall high-tech cities under airtight domes, by lakes of water melted from the planet's ice caps. Poverty, exploitation and crime are rife, and the corrupt elected government does little to alleviate them. In the first city stand monuments to the 308 colonists who died building the first settlement and the seedship AI that guided humanity to its new home.

Planet atmosphere: 250
Planet gravity: 250
Planet temperature: 0
Planet water: 500
Planet resources: 500
Survivors after landing: 1000
Survivors after settlement construction: 692
Final technology level (Post-Singularity): 3000
Final culture (Corrupt Democracy): 1500
Surviving scientific database × 10: 1130
Surviving cultural database × 10: 1000




Garden's alien forests stretch away beneath a blue sky. The colonists live in stone-walled cities with buildings sealed against the planet's harsh environment, beside rivers that flow into the planet's oceans. The cities are built around royal palaces, from which beloved monarchs rule the population wisely. In the first city stand monuments to the 86 colonists who did not survive the journey, the 288 more who died building the first settlement, and the seedship AI that guided humanity to its new home.

Planet atmosphere: 500
Planet gravity: 500
Planet temperature: 250
Planet water: 500
Planet resources: 500
Survivors after landing: 914
Survivors after settlement construction: 626
Final technology level (Medieval): 1250
Final culture (Benevolent Monarchy): 1500
Surviving scientific database × 10: 370
Surviving cultural database × 10: 1150





1. 자원이 Rich 아니면 기술망함

2. 지표 탐사기들은 몇개 잃어도 괜찮다 

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
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발도장 찍기
아이콘 KeoYin (2018-01-01 23:59:09 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
아이콘 개념의극한 (2018-01-02 12:52:53 KST)
1↑ ↓0
센스 이미지
Garden's alien forests stretch away beneath a pale blue sky. The colonists live in stone-walled cities with buildings sealed against the planet's harsh environment, beside rivers that flow into the planet's oceans. They live lives of peace and spiritual fulfilment beyond the dreams of their ancestors on Earth, guided by a combination of human and alien philosophy. Traders and diplomats from the planet's native nations are occasionally seen in the colonists' communities. In the first city stands a monument to the the seedship AI that guided humanity to its new home.

Planet atmosphere: 250
Planet gravity: 500
Planet temperature: 250
Planet water: 500
Planet resources: 250
Survivors after landing: 1000
Survivors after settlement construction: 1000
Final technology level (Medieval): 1250
Native relations (Friendly): 1000
Final culture (Cosmic Enlightenment): 3000
Surviving scientific database × 10: 600
Surviving cultural database × 10: 1040
Total: 10640

으음... 중세 히피라니 흑흑

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