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작성자 아이콘 GLaDOS
작성일 2018-12-16 19:59:36 KST 조회 324
히오스 프로덕션 디렉터의 글

Kaéo Milker

Heroes Production Director


Yesterday, we announced a difficult decision—the HGC will not be returning in 2019 and we’ll be transitioning some Heroes of the Storm developers to our other game teams. While our extended Blizzard family working on World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, Overwatch, and our unannounced projects will be getting an influx of much-needed, extremely talented Heroes devs to help them achieve their goals, it also means that we’ll need to change the cadence of support for Heroes going forward.


So, I’m sad. I’m sad because I love this team and this game that we’ve built together, with all of you, and this past year has been such a great one for Heroes of the Storm. The HGC had its best year yet and I was so looking forward to the 2019 season. On the game side, we’ve had a steady stream of some of the most sought-after heroes, amazing themed events, and impactful reworks. We also made meaningful progress on improving core systems and features across the game. We truly hit our stride in 2018, so I’m disappointed that some of the exciting plans we had for 2019 will have to change.


But all is not lost. The team that remains dedicated to Heroes of the Storm is a veritable Who’s Who of developers who have been driving every facet of the game from the very beginning—from people you know and have seen speak publicly about the game for years, to those who have poured their hearts into it from behind the scenes. In short, we’re continuing to develop the game with an incredible team that has the experience and passion required to support Heroes of the Storm well into the future.


The Heroes of the Storm team and I also have a unique opportunity to rethink things and reprioritize. Because now more than ever, our charge is to focus on taking care of you, our players, and to channel all our energy into keeping the game dynamic and fun. This means we’re still committed to regular hero reworks, themed events, and even new heroes. We’re setting our sights on the new goals and timelines for what we want to do with the game from here on out and we’re eager to share those plans as soon as they’re finalized.


So, I’m also excited. I’m excited for my teammates to bring their hard-won experience from making this game to the other teams at Blizzard to help their games be even better. And I’m especially excited for Heroes of the Storm to continue evolving with a renewed focus and purity of purpose.


Thank you for joining us on the journey so far, and please bear with us through these changes. Your feedback is as critical as ever, and continues to guide our priorities and decisions while helping us be better along the way.


Thank you,


지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

아이콘 GLaDOS (2018-12-16 20:00:56 KST)
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센스 이미지
아이콘 야생의사적 (2018-12-16 20:03:01 KST)
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센스 이미지
해석본 올라오겠죠...?
아이콘 팝콘팔아요 (2018-12-16 20:11:56 KST)
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센스 이미지
블리즈컨에서는 2019년에 역할군 개편 같은 대규모 패치가 있을 예정이라고 말했는데 갑자기 개발팀 축소, 없데이트 공지는 뭘까
아이콘 WG완비탄 (2018-12-16 20:31:13 KST)
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케오 밀커쨩이 히오스 2019 청사진 짜놓고 싱글벙글하고 있었는데 위에서 팀 축소 명령 내려옴
세번째 문단부터는 변명임 읽을가치 X
Felicia (2018-12-17 08:46:07 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
문단1: HGC중단. 자원 일부 다른곳으로 배정. 히오스 계획도 당연히 달라지게됨 (다 아는 내용)
문단2: 지난 한해동안 히오스와 HGC가 잘나갔다고 생각했고 그래서 예정된 이런저런 작업들이 진행되는 2019년을 기대했는데 그게 바뀌게 되어 죠낸 슬픔 (개발팀도 몰랐던게 맞는 것 같음)
문단3: 그래도 끝날 때까진 끝난 게 아니다. (하나마나한 얘기)
문단4: 이번기회에 히오스쪽 업무 우선순위를 재고해볼 귀중한 기회를 얻음 (헛소리 - 외국 회사에서 자원 줄었을때 지겹게 우려먹는 말임. 그렇게 좋은 기회면 왜 개발팀 줄기 전에는 못함?)
문단5: 재배치된 인원들이 타 블자게임에 공헌하게 되는거랑, 앞으로 히오스가 선택과 집중을 통해 발전할 것을 생각하니 흥분됨. (퇴사할 생각이 없고 윗사람들 눈이 있으니 이런 말 하는거 이해는 됨)
문단6: 지금까지 함께해주심에 감사.. 여러분의 의견은 언제나 소중하며.. 앞으로도 중요한 역할을.. 쫑알쫑알 (하나마나한 얘기 2) 땡큐. 끝

정보면에선 아무런 영양가 없는 글이 맞네요
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