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작성자 아이콘 Slania
작성일 2021-03-16 01:30:25 KST 조회 841
메탈 팬들 사이에서 소소하게 이슈가 됐던 음악



대충 탐욕스럽고 이기적이고 구라쟁이지만 친서민적인척 하는 부패 정치인 이야기인데 이 노래가 2016년 말엽에 발표되고 2017년 초에 출시된 정규앨범에 수록되었는데 미국 정치 상황이랑 겹쳐서 나름 이야깃거리가 됨

특히 그 다음 선거 이후로 한번 더 




King For A Day


Welcome to the nightmare
Where villains wear the crowns
Fools rule a broken world
And fear grows all around
There's a bad king
A dreadful puppet on a string

He pretends to be a champion
Of the common man
Wants more division
In is lost and riven land
He plays with real lives
In the darkest game of life

His greedy eyes
Looks insane, forzen smile like he's in pain
He doesn't count
The human cost but only moneymade or

King for a day
He kills the truth and looks away
King for a day
Lives like the world would end today
King for a day
What do you hide, Why do you lie?

Who made the rules for this game
Who is paying your champagne?
All the mercy in the world
Cannot save you anymore
King for a day

He knows how to justify
And how to feed the myths
How to glorify
The lies and hide the truth
He talks a lot but
His mouth is full of empty words

He has the right friends
Making sahdy inside deals
Before the story ends
We will be out of tears
Fools give the answer
Wise men don't even try

The time has come
To dethrone him but there's a new clone
Stepping in
Just more scum
Another greedy, rothten puppet on a string

King for a day
He kills the truth and looks away
King for a day
Lives like the world would end today
King for a day
What do you hide, Why do you lie?

Who made the rules for this game
Who is paying your champagne?
All the mercy in the world
Cannot save you anymore
King for a day

I own the seas
I have the earth on its knees
Give me another day
And I'll take your future away
Jus vote for me again

King for a day
He kills the truth and looks away
King for a day
Lives like the world would end today
King for a day
What do you hide, Why do you lie?

Who made the rules for this game
Who is paying your champagne?
All the mercy in the world
Cannot save you anymore
King for a day


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