Hello Teamliquid
My name is Chae Jung Won and I’m both GSL Code S commentator and manager of GSL operation team.
팀리퀴드 식구들 안녕하신가, 채정원 이라고 하네 코드S 해설이자 GSL운영팀장이지
I’ve been reading the recent threads which have been posted at teamliquid.net.
Lot of foreign players have listed the reasons for why it’s difficult for them to come to Korea and participate in GSL. While I understand some of these, I do not understand others.
최근 팀리퀴드에 올라온글들을 읽었어, 많은 해외유저들이 왜 한국으로 오는게 힘든지, GSL에 참여하는게 어려운지에 대해서 쫙 늘어놓더군, 몇개는 이해가 가는것도 있지만 다른건 이해하기 힘들어
First of all I want make it clear that the purpose of this thread is not to rebut the posts I mentioned above. The decision whether to make sacrifices to attend a tournament which is extremely competitive or not is completely up to one’s own and I respect that. The only thing I’m upset about is that most of the reasons mentioned are something GOMTV can’t solve(I doubt anyone can), and as for the problems that can be solved, GOMTV is doing its best to find solution.
It’s just that this is easier said than done, because there are many things that needs to be considered, lot more than people realize.
무엇보다도 , 전에 언급한것에 대해 반박은 아니라고 확실히 해두고 싶어 이 엄청나게치열한 대회에 참여하기위한 희생적인 결정을 존중해, 그렇지만 좀 화가나는건 곰티비가 해결할수 없는 대부분의 불참이유(누가 해결할수 있는지도 의문이야), 곰티비가 해결할수 있는 문제에 대해서는 최선의 방법을 찾고 있어, 말은 행동보다 쉬워, 왜냐하면 사람들을 이해시키기 위해 생각하고 고려해야 할것들이 정말 많아
Think of it this way. Let’s assume that there is backward universe; There is LAN tournament with equivalent size and prize pool as GSL in USA and tournaments in Korea are mostly online. If MVP, MC, Nestea and MKP were to be invited to States to participate in LAN tournament for a month(and they will be provided a place to sleep and practice like GOMTV is providing now), would they decide to go to US?
I am 100% confident that they would go. They will all fly to States to achieve their dream. Why? Simple : The tournament is worth the effort and these players have the skill to win. If you win you receive 50 thousand dollars and gain popularity from Starcraft2 fans all around the world. Barriers such as “culture/language difference” are worth enduring for such fame and money and should not be a big problem. Such barriers can be overcome if one is willing to put effort.
이렇게 한번 생각해보자, 반대로 생각해봐서 GSL과 비슷한 사이즈와 상금의 대회가 미국에 있다치고 한국은 대부분 온라인 대회야, 만약 정종현, 장민철, 임재덕 그리고 이정훈 선수가 한달동안 오프라인 대회에 초청 받았다면 ( 그리고 지금 곰티비에서 제공하는것처럼 숙소와 연습공간을 제공해준다면) 과연 미국대회에 참여할까? 간다고 100퍼 확신할수 있어 그들은 꿈을 이루기위해 가겠지. 왜? 간단해 대회는 노력할만할 가치가 있고 선수들은 이길수 있는 실력을 가지고 있거덩, 만약 너가 5만 달러를 받고 전세계의 스타2 팬들에게 인기를 얻는다면 문화나 언어적 차이는 견딜만할 가치가 있어, 이같은 장벽은 노력만 한다면 극복할수 있어
I am also aware that reaction on Korean community sites about foreign players declining invitation to Super Tournament because of its schedule have been translated and posted on teamliquid.net.
There seems to be misunderstanding and it must be made clear that those opinions were solely about Super Tournament. I understand that in GSL regular season, making it to Code S beginning from Code A is very difficult for foreign players as there is too much to risk, and that is why we made League Exchange program with MLG. However my interview that was posted on PlayXP was response regarding an anonymous Fnatic person’s answer concerning Super Tournament, who gave reasons such as “1month is too long” “prize pool is not deep enough” “there is language barrier”. I was little startled when the interview was posted as the tone was much more aggressive than I actually had felt. At the time I was doing the interview, my feelings were more like “hmm? Interesting”.
또 한국의 커뮤니티 사이트에 대해서 왜 외국선수들이 스케쥴 문제로 슈퍼토너먼트에 불참하는지에 대해서 똑같이 적용시켜서 답했어, 오해가 있는거 같은데 그때 내의견은 슈퍼토너먼트 '만' 말한거야, 물론 GSL은 정규시즌이라 코드A에서부터 S로 가는것이 외국인 선수에 얼마나 어려운지, 위험부담이 큰지 인지하고 있어 MLG와 리그 교환 프로그램을 하는 이유 이기도 하고,. PlayXP에 올라온 내 인터뷰는 슈퍼토너먼트에 대한 Fnatic리더의 글에대한 반박이야 "1달은 너무길다" "상금이 충분치 않다." "언어장벽이 있다"등등, 그 인터뷰 올라온 기사톤이 좀 공격적이든데 실제로는 이랬어 "음? 흥미롭네"
Now enough about the misunderstanding, as I’m sure many of you are tired of it as there was discussion thread about it for a week. I’ll move on the good news.
여기까지만 하자, 이 일때문에 한주동안 피곤한거 알고 있어 좋은소식으로 넘어가보자
As many of you are aware new GSL format will be applied in July.
I’ve read many posts on teamliquid.net that people want to see more GSTL and also poll between GSL and GSTL.
There have been many same requests from Koreans too and after long consideration I have changed the format more focusing on team leagues.
July 대회부터 적용되는 새로운 룰에대해서 알고 있을꺼야, GSTL에 관해서 팀리퀴드에 올라온글들을 많이 읽었어 한국사람들로부터도 같은 의견을 많이 받았고 고심한끝에 팀리그에 중점을둔 변화를 주기로 했어
However the problem with new format is that it makes it difficult for foreign teams to participate in team league as they will have to stay in Korea for 2 months.
하지만 새로운 방식의 문제점은 바로 외국팀들이 팀리그에 참여하는게 너무 어렵다는거야 2달은 있어야 하지,
I tried my best to solve this problem and although I admit this is not the perfect solution here it is.
이 문제에 대한 최선의 답을 찾기위해 노력했고 지금 적용 하는게 완벽한 해답은 아니야
Firstly, “Foreign players can now participate as a mercenary in Korean team”.
You may be able to see Jinro or Huk as member of oGs-TL in team league.
먼저 "외국선수는 한국팀의 '용병'으로 참여할수있어"
아마 Jinro 나 Huk이 oGs-TL팀의 맴버로써 참여하는걸 볼수있을거야
Accordingly, foreign players who come to Korea through MLG League Exchange, Rakaka tournament in Sweden, or come by themselves and qualify will not only be able to participate individual league but can also participate in GSTL as part of Korean team.
따라서 MLG와 리그교환, 스웨덴에서의 Rakaka토너먼트, 또는 예선에 참여하러오는 외국인 선수들은 개인리그에 참여할수 있을뿐만 아니라 GSTL의 한국팀의 일원으로써 또 참가할수 있어
I cannot “force” the Korean teams to accept foreign players to their roster and have them play at least one set per match. However, Korean teams are willing to form alliance or partnership with foreign teams and they have stated that they will be happy to accept if there is any foreign team or player willing to join force. In fact Korean teams are very eager to recruit able foreign players.
한국팀에게 명단에 넣으라고 강요하거나 적어도 한세트에는 출전하라고 강요할수는없어 그러나 한국팀은 외국팀들과 기꺼이 연대하려고 할것이며, 이미 외국선수의 합류에 대해서 환영의 뜻을 전하기도 했어 실제로 한국팀은 외국선수 구인에 상당히 적극적이야
If any foreign player who is entering GSL individual league and also wants to be part of team league feel free to contact either me or my assistant John. Through cooperation with Korean teams you will be provided with better practicing environment and opportunity to be part of GSTL.
만약 GSL개인리그에 참여하려는 외국선수나 팀리그에 참여하고 싶으면 나나 내 어시스트 John에게 연락해 한국팀과 협조를 통해서 나은 연습환경을 제공받을수 있고 GSTL에 참여할수 있는 기회도 있어
Also I am open to idea of non-Korean team coming to Korean and play in GSTL. I’ve already received been contacted by certain team showing great interest and will soon make an announcement which will be huge surprise to many of you.
또 GSTL에 외국팀이 참여할수있는 생각을 열어놓고있어, 그리고 이미 '특정 팀'과 접촉했고 모두가 깜짝 놀랄만할 발표를 준비중이야
I have provided “opportunity” through “system”, and “opportunity” is all that I can provide. Creating “results” is not my job but up to the players themselves, through their will and amount of practice.
체계를 통해서 기회를 주고 있어 이 기회란 내가 줄수있는 전부야, 결과는 내 소관이 아니지 결국 선수에 달려있는거야, 의지와 연습을 통해서
Super Tournament is being held at the moment.
I am always open to your opinions.
I do not want SC2 to be just Korean e-sports thing like Brood War was.
My goal is to make a league which viewers all around the world can enjoy and get hyped when watching.
슈퍼토너먼트는 이시간에도 열리고 있어
항상 늬덜 의견을 수렴하고있어
스타2가 스1처럼 한국인만의 전유물이 되지않길 원해
내 목표는 전세계인이 즐길수 있는 리그를 만드는거야
I was 1st generation pro-gamer myself(I’m still in TLPD) and have been working in e-sports over 10 years.
나 자신은 1세대 게이머였고 (아직 TLPD에 자료있다) 10년동안 이바닥에서 일해왔어
Many of things that are happening now in e-sports are changes that never happened in past 10 years. I’m sure that you too feel that e-sports is evolving rapidly.
If e-sports players and technology is running at 100km/h and if GSL and other tournaments can keep up with the speed we can create many wonderful things which we only dreamed of past 10 years.
지금 새로운 e-sports의 변화는 지난 10년간 없던 일이야, 빠르게 진화한다고 확신할수 있어
만약 e-sports선수와 기술이 100키로로 달린다면 GSL과 다른토너먼트는 지난10년간 우리가 꿈꿔오던 많은것들로 창조해내서 속도를 유지할꺼야
I’m always grateful to viewers who watch GSL. I will soon get back to you with great news Also I will be attending MLG Columbus together with players from Korea. I have decided to go to MLG to witness the enthusiasm of American fans with my own eyes.
GSL시청자에게 항상 감사하고 있어, 조만간에 빅뉴스를 들고올거야 그리고 MLG Columbus에 참가하는 한국선수들과 같이 갈꺼야 미국팬들의 열정을 두눈으로 확인할꺼임ㅋ
Thank you