CheckSix, with a storied history in eSports, and the newly emerging VPGamers are proud to announce a merger of two top North American teams that will strive to reach the forefront of the North American E-sports scene. Check Six Gaming has been a fixture of the competitive gaming scene since its founding by Rich Howard in 2003. VPGamers' professional Starcraft 2 team was founded in early 2011 with such notable pickups as PainUser, ChAnCe, and Fargo.
Check Six's Business Development Manager, Curt Carter, welcomes VPGamers, stating:
"There could not be a better fit for CheckSix than VP. Their dedication, hard work and skill has become a staple of the community and we are very happy to have them as a part of our team. With this announcement, we would also like to welcome VP owner Michael Starr on to our team of directors as well. We are sure he will be just as beneficial to CheckSix as he was to VP. We hope you continue to support both teams in this new venture."
VPGamers’ Professional Team Owner/Manager, Michael Starr, from VPGamers had this to say:
"From myself and the players on VP, we are extremely excited to be working with such a great organization as CheckSix. The management and players are all great people to work with and are recognized for their talent, hard work and values that flow into exactly what our team believes in and continues to strive for. We await the start of this new endeavor and can't wait to produce the results the community deserves. Thank you to everyone who supported VPGamers and I trust you will continue to give the great support to our new home. Go CheckSix!"
Check Six will retain its current Starcraft 2 roster, while VP will be brining PainUser, ChAnCe, Fargo, HDStarcraft, Jemag, Syckness, Infused, Anthorn, and Suppy to the table in what is sure to be one of the strongest teams in North America. This merger would not be possible without the help of amazing sponsors such as TTeSports, Puretrak, and Gamers Uniform.
걍 요약해서, xSix Maker , Mystic , 등과 전 MVP 팀 소속이셨던 2분 (성함을 몰라요..) 이 계신 xSix 팀과 얼마전 이정훈님과 Sheth를 둘다 2:0으로 IPL 예선에서 떨어뜨린 Chance, HDStarcraft, 폐인유저 등이 있는 VP 팀이 전략적 제휴를 맺고 합병을 하게되었습니다. 앞으로 두팀은 xSix (Check-Six) 라는 이름을 유지하는 하에 TT이스포츠, Puretrak, 그리고 게이밍 유니폼을 스폰서 받게 됩니다. (스폰서 통합을 위한 전략적 합병이네요.)
이로서 북미팀에 또하나 쩌는 스폰을 받는 팀이 생겨났네요.