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작성자 아이콘 티모
작성일 2013-02-23 20:32:43 KST 조회 254
더블리프트 페이스북

Hmm so I've decided I should write up a little about why I feel my performance has been very weak lately. I've never really had such a feeling before. It seems my mechanics and concentration have been broken recently.

I remember a year ago living in Travis' house, I loved League and I did nothing but sit in my room all day screaming at the top of my lungs, laughing and playing solo queue like a maniac. I loved my role, I learned new things from Chauster every day, and I appreciated all the criticism he gave me.

Now, I avoid solo queue like the plague. I lost my love for the game, and it's become more of a chore to practice instead of something to look forward to and become better.

I think a lot of this is in part because I feel my role has been nerfed into the ground, and I have been very apprehensive of the changes Riot has done to the game and especially to AD carries. I feel useless; where before I had the opportunity to outplay lategame bruisers, the changes to Randuin's Omen make me want to break my keyboard.

The other thing is that I have always been an innovative player. At IEM Hanover and MLG Anaheim, I was one of the first competitive Ezreal players at a time when everyone thought he was terrible. They have since nerfed him severely. Chauster and I had countless hours of bot lane practice in Korea that never came to fruition. As a very strange example, we practiced role swaps to run Janna Jayce lane and we had Chauster play Jayce. With the addition of Loco to our team, I was the first to start the Nunu Cait trend at IPL5. They have since nerfed Nunu as well.

Lately, my team has been picking me champions that I sincerely don't want to play (such as Urgot), and as a result I have lost a lot of my enthusiasm for the game. I feel like all of my best performances have been on my favorite champions - Ezreal, Vayne, Cait, and Graves. I am naturally inclined to play and improve on these champions because I like them, and my play has always been a huge step ahead of my competition because of this.

I hope I can remedy this problem and return to my normal level of play next week. Even in my current state, I am much better than my NA counterparts. Despite this, I am very disconcerted.

간단하게 요약하자면 최근 기량이 떨어진다는 말을 듣는것에 대한 약간의 해명을 한것임.

더블리프트는 자타공인 최고의 원딜러였고 저평가받던 애1자리얼을 적극활용했으며 누누케틀 트랜드를 이끌었고 비록 한국에서 결실을 맺진 못했지만 차우스터와 함꼐 수많은 봇메타들을 연구했었음

하지만 라이엇은 더블리프트가 쓰는것마다 꾸준히 너프를 했고 최근에는 대 리그오브브루저 시대와 ㅈ같은 란두인때문에 원딜을 하고싶은맘이 전혀들지도않고 자신이 팀에 점점쓸모가 없어지는거 같다는 생각도 종종함(원딜러들이라면 다 공감하시겠죠, 시즌3와서 진짜 게임시작부터 끝까지 원딜이 브루저를 이길수있는 구간이 무척적음) 옛날처럼 재밌고 열정적으로 하는게 아니라 연습이 고역같고 키보드를 부셔버리고 싶기도한다네요

그래서 인지 그냥 이제부터라도 기본기에 충실하도록 이즈베인케틀그브 같은것들만 연습한답니다

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

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