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작성자 아이콘 프로토스집정관
작성일 2013-05-18 19:31:30 KST 조회 189
리글의 랜턴 이게 뭔소리야 ....

These changes are currently tentative. We just want to increase consistency on Madred’s and Wriggles in order to let players plan their jungle routes better with these items. There were a lot of odd cases where junglers would accidentally steal a buff from their teammate due to a random proc, or a jungler would fall behind because they weren’t getting enough procs. Overall we had to lower the damage output in comparison to the old Madred’s and Wriggle’s (if you simply average out the old Madred’s and Wriggle’s damage by four) because of the consistency involved and the fact that it never deals “overkill” damage, where it would proc on a small creep (or on a near-dead jungle unit), thereby wasting 


빨장과 랜턴 - 더 의존할수 있게 만들고 싶었음. 운나쁘게 패시브가 터지는 바람에 팀원한테서 의도치않게 버프를 뺏는 경우가 많았음. 오버킬도 막고. 
ㄱ ㅅ ㄹ ㅈ ㅅ1ㅍ
웃기지마 랜턴 들이는데 쓰는 비용보다 허리띠 하나 두르는 비용이 더 효율적인데
요즘 정글러들중에 랜턴에 의존하는 정글러가 있나? 그나마 리신인데
저거 살바에 시야석이나 사것다.랜턴 들고 오버킬 한다는게 최고의 개소리 같다.
출처: 네이버까페

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아이콘 Siva (2013-05-18 19:34:42 KST)
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