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작성자 아이콘 Aghanim
작성일 2013-06-20 21:31:53 KST 조회 329
중국에서는 국가가 e스포츠를 지원합니다!

우리나라는 뭐죠

여성부가 앞장서서 e스포츠를 만화산업처럼 만들어 버리려고 하네요

중국은 도타2를 중심으로 엄청난 지원을 해준다는데... 에휴

The Chinese government has just given massive support to Esports in China. Dota 2 was given a special mention last week by Xinwen Lianbo and may be the focus of the upcoming tournaments hosted by the Administration of Sports.
The Chinese government has announced a nation-wide Esports tournament that will be run by Zhejiang Daily Newspaper in conjuction with G-League and Dota 2 Super League organizers, Gamefy.
According to SGamer, the online qualifier of the nation-wide tournament will begin by the end of June and end with an offline finals. Apart from that, an all-new league is also scheduled to begin next year. No further details of the tournaments have been announced.
Most exciting of all, the Chinese government also stated that the tournament will be simultaneously broadcasted across all digital platforms including live broadcast on television. Besides that, details of negotiation with the official Chinese Administration of Sports to select China's national team will also be released later.
The Administration of Sports will be creating the format of the league in an effort to build a foundation for the games.
In Xinwen Lianbo's, television channel in China, live feature on Esports last week, Dota 2 was specifically mentioned and they even went on to play the Chinese version of Dota 2.

고수 게이머즈 발췌

이제 e스포츠 강국 자리도 중국한테 넘겨줄 때가 온걸까요

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

발도장 찍기
아이콘 카르크 (2013-06-20 21:32:34 KST)
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우리나라가 다 그렇죠 뭐
제대로되는거 보셨습니까
아이콘 Aghanim (2013-06-20 21:33:15 KST)
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아니요 ㅎㅎ...
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나 골든리신 아니다 (2013-06-20 21:42:15 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
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아이콘 마린앤저글링 (2013-06-20 22:46:42 KST)
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도타투 핑이 너무 ㅜㅜ
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