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작성자 아이콘 잉어잉어
작성일 2014-01-01 18:46:22 KST 조회 95
클라이언트 관련 글에 관한 알렉스 이치의 입장
I usually don't do this. But I really want to discuss this topic.

First of all rewriting client can be huge pain in ass and there are reasons why riot do this or that. I know several people that could rewrite in game client or out of game client and I think they would succeed. But you never know how it will work with each other and what other bugs it will occur. You should remember that league of legends wasn't high budget project when it started and it is developing on top of that. I do think they need to rework out of game client but it still started to work much more stable and better. 

Actually this post is not about that. I want to discuss the guy that spent a lot of work on his wintermint client. I actually think that this is huge opportunity for him. I don't know what job he has now, but I truly believe that with his try hard, patience and skill this is really good portfolio for him. I know that in programming community, people like him were hired by the company they did to. I believe that he will get offer from Riot or some other high profiled company.

As for Riot I still truly believe that they do a lot for players and community. Yes they do a lot of mistakes, but league of legends is one of the first games that got to these numbers. There are a lot of people working and they are working on different sides. 
I really hope that this new year will bring new era of league of legends and the whole game, LCS and community will grow up to the next lvl. See you in 2014 guys

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