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작성자 아이콘 유키피디아
작성일 2014-04-16 02:34:26 KST 조회 205
워윅 리멬 레딧

PASSIVE: Eternal Thirst. AAs deal 2% of their target's max HP as magic damage and heal Warwick for 5 flat + (0.9-1.8% bonus hp) (scales with champ level) Every time this passive is procced, WW gains a stack of Eternal Thirst (max 10). Each stack of ET increases the self-heal effect by 11%. Stacks fall off after 1.8s (just enough time to keep the buff alive at lowest AS + a fleeing enemy) (if you're faster than them), they fall off one at a time at 4 stacks/second (sort of hyper-quick Jinx Q style).

패시브 끊없는 갈증:대상 최대 체력 2%씩 마법피해를 입힘 자신은 5+(0.9-1.8% 추가 체력계수)를 회복함(수치는 레벨업할때마다 증가) 한대 칠때마다 끊없는 갈증 스텍 1개를 얻으며 최대 10개까지 쌓임 최대 체력회복량은 11%

Q: Hungering Strikes. Double-attack a nearby enemy target. Deals a total of 80-200 + 0.6 AP magic damage, but does proc on-hits (and your passive) twice. Note: it's super weird that we have a skill that procs your AAs but ignores your AD. I know. This is a tradeoff the kit needed. Additionally, passive healing from this spell is further increased by 60-100% (so at 10 stacks you'd get 220% base heal from each proc for a total of 440% of the stated value; at level 18 that would be 5 + 1.8% bonus hp--a good value to hit here is about 35 by end game. This works out to about 180 hp healed, before spirit visage.)

q 갈망의 일격:대상을 두번 공격하며 80-200+0.6ap의 피해를 입힘 온힛효과 있으며 패시브 스텍 쌓임 패시브 스텍이 많을수록 더 많은 체력을 회복

W Howl (all names placeholder, obviously). PBAOE terrify away from the center of the effect (NOT from WW; subtle distinction, but important for the E). 0.75s duration on the terrify and then a follow up slow, the duration of which scales with skill rank. This is how you gank pre-6 and why the enemy cannot ignore you in team fights. CD 12-8, mana cost 50 flat. Damage 70-190 + 0.6 AP

w 울부짖으며 공포를 걸음   70-190 + 0.6 AP 피해 0.75초 공포와 슬로우 마나 코스트 50 

Blood Scent / Hamstring. Passively this is still Blood Scent, with some tweaks (more range early on, shows an Orianna ball indicator under your feet toward the nearest revealed target, only gives MS when you move toward a revealed champ, also reveals big monsters at <50% hp (for the counter janglings), MS doesn't all kick in at once but becomes stronger as revealed target gets lower.) Active: Hamstring. This is the "boomerang move". You're standing at point A, click B, Warwick dashes A->B->A with no pause in between. He hurts all targets touched en route and puts a strong micro-slow on them (falls off almost immediately). You CAN use W and smite during this ability, but not Q (optimal use case became too micro intensive). The micro-slow BARELY allows you to catch a fleeing enemy, but if you E and they dodge, you'll lose distance. Mana cost 50 flat, CD 16 flat, damage 140-220 + 0.6 AP total. Does not proc passive, but keeps stacks alive. Slow 95% for 0.25s.

e 피냄새(패시브)/오금줄(액티브)(적절한 번역명이 안떠올라서 직역)

피냄새 예전 워윅 피냄새 효과와 동일 이제는 에픽몹도 확인 가능

오금줄 오리아나 공처럼 워윅이 a-b-a 순서로 이동하며 큰 둔화효과를 입힘 140-220 + 0.6 AP

 Finite Duress (clearly a joke name ;P). Think Sejuani Q, but stun first enemy target hit for 2.5s while attacking them 6 times. Spell has its own base damage and AP ratio (180/240/300 + 0.9 AP), but also procs your passive 6 times, so it also does 18% of target max hp as magical damage.

r Finite Duress(직역하면 한정된 협박이라니 ㅋㅋ 그냥 예명으로 지은듯 정규 이름 아님)

적을 6번 타격하며 180/240/300 + 0.9 AP 피해를 입힘 또한 타겟 18% 최대체력을 추가 피해로 입힘

패시브 스텍이 한번에 6개 쌓임 (세주아니 q스킬이랑유사 하다고 봐서 논타겟인듯?)

지금 나온대로만 따지면 볼리베어 뺨따구를 후려갈굴듯한 좀비 정글러가 나올거 같다.

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