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작성자 아이콘 잉어잉어
작성일 2014-06-28 05:27:43 KST 조회 287
알렉스 페북 글들 찬찬히 읽어보니 코치역할까지 겸하는듯

2) Toxicity. If you can remember how Gambit began (M5 times) we were all really toxic and I think a lot of players still remember it and even have screenshots. I would say it is matter of maturity. I will try to work with our players (Mithy, nukeduck and k0u) because they are really nice guys but get frustrated in soloq sometimes. I think they can and they will get better with my help and help of NIP management.

3) NIP not getting into LCS 3 times. I thought and I still think that the main problem of NIP at relegations were problems with shotcalling. Me and k0u together should fix that problem. Yes I admit I am worse than Zorozero at toplane and I've got the long way to go, but I also know that Zoro doesn't speak that much and if we will be motivated and concentrated our shotcalls with k0u can be really important. I think that all the players in current lineup got great potential and I hope that we will find our key of success.

4) Me playing strange toplaners and banning Jax, Irelia. I can play both Jax and Irelia but we didn't train it that much in scrims before tournament because of not much time. So we decided to play around my pool of heroes that works really well in the team. I think that people underestimate Mages top a lot in current meta and I was taking advices from Soaz, because he is really good guy and wants me to improve

I will work hard to make NIP the best team in the world not only as players but as persons overall.

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