<NASL의 공지문>
It is with wistful hearts that the North American Star League must bid the StarCraft II community farewell today. We notified Blizzard that we would be unable to continue operating WCS America. The league will continue operating, and Blizzard will post an announcement with details on their official WCS Site at http://wcs.battle.net.
Three and a half years ago, a small team of passionate individuals driven by our love of StarCraft II sought to create something special and foster the prominence of eSports in North America. Over time, our mission and our team grew, as did our ambition.
Driven to innovate the daily broadcast space and improve, our crew busily worked behind the scenes each season. In 2011, we broadcast our first two seasons, held our first two events, and invested in and prepared new equipment that would later enable us to deliver a truly live broadcast.
In 2012, our team expanded, and we began a long term commitment to improving our production quality, streamlining broadcasts, and creating engaging content. In so doing, we showcased the lighter side of StarCraft eSports with numerous segments and events like the NASL Sunday ShowDown. We also fell in love with Canada.
Our passion continued in 2013. With the professional StarCraft II landscape evolving, the team decided to push our creativity in a new direction, and we launched The Pulse, a live eSports talk show rich with prepared highlights, interviews, and other segments.
When the opportunity arose to become the official partner for the StarCraft II: World Championship Series in America, we were elated. After all, the company was founded on a love for StarCraft, and Blizzard has always been a wonderful partner. Albeit busy with other projects, the team rolled up our sleeves, added to the family, and expanded the studio so that we could deliver exceptional daily StarCraft II broadcasts once again.
Alas, fate has scouted our fast expand, and our time broadcasting StarCraft has come to an end. To all of our partners, sponsors, friends, and especially our fans, thank you.
1. WCS 시즌1 북미를 진행하던 NASL이 중계를 중단하고 스타2 커뮤니티를 떠남
2. 32강 잔여 일정은 그대로 ESL에서 진행
3. 16강은 4월 초까지 미루어짐, WCS 북미/유럽 Finals는 같이 펼쳐짐
4. WCS 북미 시즌2/3는 그대로 존속, 추후 일정은 WCS 포탈을 통해 공지