I am begging your understanding for an english post as I am not able to type in Korean on my corporate computer.
So terran players complain about adept + warp prism drop into their main early game saying that's holding terran from moving out and taking control of the map.
Same logic applies to toss where terran can just pump produce fcking 2 liberators on reactor and easily harass protoss economy merely with 3 supply. Even expanding on the the third is a huge risk as early game terran unit can just pound upon terran army when medivacs added into the composition. Just so you all know on no upgrades it takes 4 stalkers to take down zoned liberator and that sht is already costing 8 supplies + minerals & gas which can make the third expo very vulnerable from terran pokes.
Meanwhile, Liberator then can escape without the risk of dying with its retarded movement speed (makes so much sense for siege unit, right?) even with a small delayed response from stalker warp in.
Protoss? Without speed upgrade stimmed marine or even that stupid automatic missile thingy can easily take down warp prism if toss's miscalculate 1 sec timing. More importantly losing warm prism opens up the door for terran to contain protoss or even break through and finish the game right there.
What's even more ridiculous is that terran always had that advantage since WoL, and it was one-way only not the other way. Now yet terran complain toss just got one and only way to counter attack. Maybe its time for terran players to face the real world and play as hard as zerg or t. As famous Idra quote, "Terran player should be apologizing for playing terran"