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작성자 아이콘 Selendis
작성일 2010-11-21 01:38:48 KST 조회 1,562
소티스 말고도 비슷한거 또 있었네요

XPDotA - Xel'Naga Prophecy
Starcraft II Map - Category (DotA, HoN, LoL)

I want to introduce you SC2 map called XPDotA - Xel'Naga Prophecy
I was making this map for Blizzard SC2 Map Contest, which was finished, as you all knows with announce of Blizzard Dota.
Development took over 4 month and now I want to show you what I have done.

I tried to recreate best, in my opinion, core mechanics from original DotA, like armor system/attributes/level up/revive/miss etc
Current version of map have 10 heroes/40 abilities/50 items
I have made Ranking system, which I plan to do more informative and smart later.

My plans for version 2.0 is
- 20 heroes, 80 abilities, 60 items
- New gameplay features like, random objectives which should provoke teams to fight in the field to get team bonuses
- Any other ideas that I receive from players

I am looking for your feedback at, or you can post it here and I will reply as soon as possible.

Map is available at US, EU and RU regions, name is XPDotA - Xel'Naga Prophecy

Looking for your critics,


How is this different from SOTIS?

I think you should try. I think that sotis is cuted version of wc3 dota, cause of no percent base armor system, attributes (str, agi, int), balanced map design (too much work was done to make precise copy of balanced dota terrain), I think some abilities and visual effects are more polished than in sotis. wc3 dota-like items, so it is easier to learn them and they are balanced. I can't tell you more, but I think they are quite different.

How do Blizzard DOTA and SOTIS compare? Or is there another DOTA custom I should know about?

No one knows anything about blizzard dota, except it is developed by blizzard, they use their power to do new unit models, buildings etc for their map. There is opinion, that they are trying to test editor functions and create full powered script editor, so modders could do anything they want.

Sotis, is a first dota-like map for sc2. I think this is biggest plus to its popularity. Sotis imho in very unpolished map. It is more arcade like, not strategic like original dota. Game mechanics are simplier. No hero attributes, weak armor system, etc.

I try not to publish xpdota map till it will be very polished in my vision. I played a lot, get a lot of feedback make lot of tweaks and now post it to be public at NA and EU regions.

I start making new map project, codename:xpNexus.
If you wish to take part in it, pls let me know at

I think that this map will become very unique, skill-based and fun.

xpDota current situation
I have made 5v5 mode and map goes in 3 days down from top 20 to top 200. I like blizzard popularity system, which make this possible.

What to tell you how it works. You startup your new map.
1. Map with 1 player needed to be played, with mid duration of game in 30 minuts.
1000 players run play this map, and game popularity will be 2000 games per hour. You will be at top 10 of the list and your map will start growing, so many players whould try it.
At this point, any map one first page automatically gains attention for new players which also try it. And so on.

2. Map with 5v5 players needed, and same 30 minuts durations.
We'll try to get same 1000 players. At this case map popularity will be (1000/(num_of_players))*2games per hour = 200

So in first and second case, we got 1000 players that like the game. But in first case, map will be at top 5, and will get lot more players cause of everyone see it. In case two it will have 48th place, and popularity will start falling cause, there is almost no new players at 4th page.

I guess blizzard should make popularity system based on # of players that play map in last hours but not # of games. This would represent real popularity. But blizzard don't think this way.


위 첫글은 제작자가 커뮤니티에 쓴 소개글이구요,

밑에는 글에 딸린 질문에 대한 답변&자기 견해에요 번역 못해드리는건 죄송;;

이름은 또 xp도타... 다음 맵 프로젝트이름도 xp넥서스라고 하고 묘합니다...

스샷만 봐서는 워3 도타 올스타즈 지형이랑 정말 비슷하네요

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

아이콘 스텔라 (2010-11-21 02:16:24 KST)
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센스 이미지
1스샷은 lol냄새
2스샷은 도타 냄새
3스샷은 도타 냄새
그냥 보기만 해서는 디자인이 너무이쁘네영 ㄷ
아이콘 영장류_161 (2010-11-21 02:28:43 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
우리는 마린 4기에 집중할 필요가 있습니다.
체이스필드 (2010-11-21 09:44:35 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
뭐야 이것도 마린블러든가
Starllcraft.378 (2010-11-21 09:47:09 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
와우..지형이란건 저렇게 하는거구나,...ㄷㄷ
체이스필드 (2010-11-21 09:47:55 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
근데 한국섭엔 게시 안하는건가영
체이스필드 (2010-11-21 09:54:18 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
보니깐 제작자도 게시할 생각은 있는거같은데 누구 영어좀 하는분 컨텍좀해보세영
사리사리 (2010-11-21 11:01:13 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
아머가 %로 계산되나 보네요.
Starllcraft.378 (2010-11-21 12:40:37 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
DotU 기반인듯한데... 확실히 라이브러리로 시작하면 편한가봐요 ㅠㅠ
아이콘 삐카츄우 (2010-11-21 12:41:19 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
이것도 나와봐야 알듯 -_-;
아이콘 fiend. (2010-11-21 13:33:39 KST)
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센스 이미지
번역 할까 하다가 귀찮아서 반만하고 닫기를 누름 = =
hiroryu (2010-11-21 15:34:59 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
지금은 영웅 10명, 40 어빌리티, 50개의 아이템인데
2.0 패치에는
20명의 영웅 80 어빌리티, 60개의 아이템이 될거라네요..

기억속 (2010-11-21 15:57:33 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
원래 도타는 창고가 있나요?
세번째 보면 가우스의 창고같은게 있는...

그냥 유닛인가 -_-a
맵에 표시된거로는 딱 현재 스샷찍은 유저가 조종하는 유닛인데...
창고일려나 아니면 국지방어기같은 기술을 사용할것일려나...
아이콘 장애인런처 (2010-11-21 16:14:39 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
아이콘 장애인런처 (2010-11-21 16:14:46 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
Bluejay (2010-11-21 17:16:03 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
기억속// 그거 룬이예요.. 지형은 왠만큼 도타를 잘 따라했던데.. 몇주전에 플레이 해봤을때는 밸런스도 엉망인거같고.. 아직은 그냥 도타 따라갈만한 작품이 없는듯.. 물론 아직 나온지도 얼마 안되고 했지만..
LightBringer (2010-11-21 17:47:36 KST)
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센스 이미지
러시아에서 만든 건가. 스샷에 왠 키릴문자가...
아이콘 Erheist (2010-11-21 17:50:28 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
오늘 처음가입했습니다...
제작자가 한국서버에서 배포해 줄 사람을 찾고있더군요.
일단 그것에 관해서 글을 올려봤는데, 만약 대답을 해서 허용한다면 이 게시판에서 영향력있으신 분에게 알려드릴 생각입니다. 괜찮겠죠?
아이콘 애비로드 (2010-11-21 19:45:39 KST)
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센스 이미지
배경이 좀 밝은 분위기네요. 소티스는 좀 어두운 분위기인데
아이콘 Selendis (2010-11-21 20:55:16 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
기억속// 언덕위에 국방 보고 말씀하시는거 같은데 도타에도 애니멀 커리어라고 돈주고 사는 창고가 있어요. 룬 확인용으로 저 자리에 띄워놓는 경우가 많죠
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