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작성자 가정방문
작성일 2011-04-23 21:17:22 KST 조회 987
4.2 업뎃내용 떳네요
= Changelog v4.2
= Internal Version 2318
= Notes

Season 2 of League is expected to start soon, this time with livecasting and a real prize pool for the top ranking teams!

A warm welcome to our new staff member Artfix, who will be working on art assets for SotIS! Check out his gallery at:

Korean translations by community member .Tak and his team is nearly complete, and will be released soon.

= New Content

New Heroes:

= Assets

- Health bar sizes decreased across the board.

- Inventory display is now centered, framed, and enlarged to match Blizzard UI.

Team Indicators
- Opacity on team indicators for spells reduced.
- Team indicators on heroes scaled up slightly.

Loading Screen
- New loading screen by Artfix. (v1)

Ability Assets
- New color ability icons for Sarah.Kerrigan, Roulette.Jackson, Infernal.Mandrake.

Stat Tracking
- In-game player stat tracking re-enabled. GLOOP will be re-initialized at a later date.

= Mechanics

Clarification: Light-type units do not proc most effects based on unit death, such as Exhume or Fan the Flames.

= Items

Contamination Shard
- Armor debuff decreased to 200 armor, down from 350.

Warp Fragment
- Cost increased to 1900, up from 100.
- No longer has charges, 60 second cooldown, up from 1 charge, 0 second cooldown.

Space-Time Capsule
- Bumping into a unit channeling Space-Time Capsule no longer breaks channeling.

Darksteel Titan
- Cast delay decreased to 0 seconds, down from 0.25.
- Damage bonus decreased to 60, down from 70.

Chrono Elixir
- Cost increased to 600, up from 400.

Hand of Mengsk
- Hand of Mengsk is now subject to diminishing returns.

= Heroes

*- Base damage increased to 29, up from 24.
- Fan the Flames no longer procs off Hallucinations.

- Base damage increased to 24, up from 22.
- Exhume no longer procs off Light units.
- Exhume no longer procs off Hallucinations.

- Erekul's Vengeance now deals true damage.

- Charisma increased to 6% physical resistance, up from 4%.
- Overdrive now deals 10/20/30/40 (+10% AGI) damage per second, up from 10/20/30/40 (+5% AGI) damage per second.

- Base damage increased to 24, up from 22.

- Base damage increased to 23, up from 21.

- Base damage increased to 35, up from 30.
- Fungal Growth cast time decreased to 0.5 seconds, down from 0.7.
- Metabolic Parasite damage increased to 40/75/110 + 3/4/5% (+0.5%/200 INT), up from 3/4/5% (+0.5%/200 INT).
- Metabolic Parasite projectile speed increased to 23, up from 17.
- Movement speed of Infested Airborne Division increased to 1.5, up from 1.
- Health cost of Infested Airborne Division decreased to 2.5%, down from 3%.
- Peristalsis movement speed reduction reduced to to 45/35/25/15% reduction, down from 40% at all levels.

- Base damage increased to 26, up from 23.

- Base damage increased to 33, up from 23.
- Slightly improved Phase Strike animation.

- Base damage increased to 40, up from 33.
- Fast Twitch cooldown decreased to 5 seconds, down from 9 seconds.
- Fast Twitch damage bonus increased to 100%, up from 50%.

- Mastermind no longer procs off Hallucinations.
- Chaos Theory now deals 250/350/450 (+10% INT) damage, up from 150/250/350 (+10% INT).
- Magnetic Link now deals 60/90/120/150 (+5% INT) initial damage, up from 60/90/120/150.
- Optic Beam now deals 30/45/60/75 (+5% INT) damage, instead of 30/45/60/75 (+5% STR).

- Base damage increased to 26, up from 23.
- Spell Storm now resists 100% spell damage and 0% physical damage, instead of 30% of all damage.
- Strength gain per level increased to 21, up from 19.

- Base damage increased to 27, up from 24.
- Tassadar's illusions now tint properly when detected.
- Ardent Retribution no longer damages structures.



지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

발도장 찍기
가정방문 (2011-04-23 21:26:57 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
워프가 충전식으로 바뀐게 충격이네여
아이콘 NTsFeelYa (2011-04-23 21:33:56 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
우린 Vorpal.Valedict 에 주목해야 합니당 ㅋㅋㅋ
가정방문 (2011-04-23 21:38:16 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
본섭 업뎃됫어요
아이콘 CoSMoS. (2011-04-23 21:47:06 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
드디어 추적자인가..
전체적으로 다 데미지가 오른듯..
보로스 스펠이 바꼇넹;
모든 데미지 30퍼 저항 대신에 마법데미지 100퍼 물리데미지 0퍼 ;
아이콘 BonoJKs (2011-04-23 22:51:22 KST)
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센스 이미지
해...해석이.... 필요함.... ㅠㅠ
아이콘 TetraAnax (2011-04-23 23:15:54 KST)
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센스 이미지
맹스크 샤드 타이탄 엘릭서 하향


워프샤드 맞으면 켄슬안되고 그리고 인벤토리 중앙으로 옮겨졌고

팀이랑 같이 붙어있으면 타임스케일 약간증가
아이콘 TetraAnax (2011-04-23 23:16:40 KST)
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센스 이미지
일단 3~4맹스크 중첩효과가 떨어지기때문에 께일리건이 씹사기에서 탈퇴했습니다!
아이콘 TetraAnax (2011-04-23 23:19:00 KST)
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센스 이미지
대부분 캐릭터 평타대미지가 상향되었네요 제라툴 페이즈 스킬이 약간 보기좋게 수정
아이콘 TetraAnax (2011-04-23 23:19:50 KST)
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센스 이미지
보로스 렙당 힘올라가는게 증가 힘보로스 가라는말인듯함 --;;;
아이콘 TetraAnax (2011-04-23 23:21:11 KST)
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센스 이미지
특이한게 젝슨 다른스킬은 상향먹었지만 q스킬을 오히려 하향먹었네요 ;;;? 인트덩어리캐릭터의 주력기가 힘에 비례한대미지
아이콘 TetraAnax (2011-04-23 23:23:19 KST)
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센스 이미지
Korean translations by community member .Tak and his team is nearly complete, and will be released soon.

한글화는 조만간다된다고함
아이콘 TetraAnax (2011-04-23 23:23:51 KST)
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센스 이미지
이제보니 마이크로 디게상향

패시브 쿨9초에서 5초로 대미지 100퍼증가

대놓고 자물쇠플레이 하란거인듯
아이콘 TetraAnax (2011-04-23 23:27:40 KST)
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센스 이미지
곱등이는 한번도 안해봐서 스킬을 잘모르겠는데 대부분상향
아이콘 맹덕어멈 (2011-04-24 00:24:51 KST)
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센스 이미지
잭슨Q상향입니다 원래 힘이였는대 지능으로 바뀌었습니다
아이콘 TetraAnax (2011-04-24 00:33:41 KST)
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센스 이미지
아 잘못봤네요

젝슨 포퐁상향
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