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작성자 아이콘 Aeneas
작성일 2011-06-17 10:54:20 KST 조회 693
북미에 패치가 됬네요

27분전에 체인지로그가 올라와있네요 이제 좀있으면 저희도 패치가 될듯=_=/~


자 이제 해석해주실분이 필요함 =_=;;


- Added team roster. Enable or disable roster display by typing "-roster" in chat.
- Added target hero inventory display.
- Static inventory buffs are no longer displayed in the buff sidebar, to the left of the vital display.
- Restructured game commands, type "-help" in chat for a list of commands.
- Added "-hero <argument>" command to command list. Allows you to swap heroes in test mode.

New Hero:
- BioTron.Tyrannitus

- Raised maximum camera height to 42, up from 34.
- Lowered mimum camera height to 10, down from 18.
- Zoom levels range from 0(furthest) to 8(closest), game default zoom is 2.
- Effects such as Mad Craving and Magnetic Presence will no longer self-kill.
- Resystematized true and event damage labels.
- Creep aggro interest increased to 5 seconds, up from 3.5.
- Structure aggro interest increased to 10 seconds, up from 3.5.
- Item buffs are no longer displayed in the side buff space.
- Attacking yourself with beacons no longer causes lane creeps to pause.
- Towers now gain +20% weapon damage bonus per attack when attacking heroic units, up to a maximum of +120% damage. Each

stack lasts for 15 seconds. Towers will lose a +20% weapon damage bonus stack per attack on non-heroic units.
- Tower damage increased to 150/180/210/240, up from 145/160/175/190.
- Towers will now clearly identify their targets upon engagement with a targeting frame.
- Destroying all upgrade structures (gateway/cyberneticscore/roachwarren/hydraliskden) will instantly maximize your creep

scaling to 30.
- Destroying an upgrade structure will now increase creep scaling by 2 stacks, up from 1.
- Overmind Ultralisks now have 3000 base health, up from 1600.
- Encampment Colossus now have 2500 base health, up from 1300.
- Bare minimum mineral value of creep waves is now constant regardless of additional forces.
- Aeon and Leviathan now only apply their respective buffs to heroes.
- Animation improved on Aeon and Leviathan Slayer buffs.
- Stun definitions reworked, now allows you to queue movement and attack commands during a stun.


Superheated Mantle
- Equip animation improved. Now reflects the number of mantles the user is wearing.
- Now deals damage in spell damage, instead of true damage.

- Passive removed; New Passive: Your spell damage slows affected enemy movement speeds by 15% for 2 seconds. Will slow for

35% instead if instantaneous damage exceeds 300. This passive is unique.

Quantum Spade
- Passive removed; New Passive: On attack, increase your time scale by 10% for 2 seconds.

Hand of Mengsk
- Weapon Speed bonus reduced to +10%, down from +14%.
- Passive removed; New Active: +100% Weapon Speed, +20% Movement Speed, +30% to all incoming damage for 12 seconds. When

effect ends, 50% of weapon damage dealt is converted into health.

Darksteel Titan
- Can now deploy AntiMarines anywhere within a 40 unit radius.

- Passive: If the user takes 300 damage within 2 seconds, he gains +35% movement speed for 2 seconds.

Sanctum Relic
- Lifesteal from Sanctum Relic is no longer displayed.

Zerg Symbiosis
- Lifesteal from Zerg Symbiosis is no longer displayed.

Contamination Shard
- Armor Reduction from Contamination Shard is no longer displayed.

Phase Cloak
- Now dispels on spellcasts with costs.

Space-Time Capsule
- Now dispels on movement or knockback.

Psionic Lasher
- Now drains 6% of current energy, down from of 7% of current energy.

Organic Carapace
- Fixed bug causing Organic Carapce to continue healing despite having been attacked within the last 6 seconds.

Smoke Screen
- Cost reduced to 65 minerals.

Field Radar
- Cost reduced to 70 minerals.

Isomorphic Pyre
- No longer displays floating combat text.

Coat of Arms
- No longer displays floating combat text.

Black Hole Magnum
- Now deals damage in spell damage, instead of true damage.
- Your attacks will now suck in nearby enemies towards the target.
- Passive no longer reduces Time Scale.
- No longer displays floating combat text.
- Damage bonus increased to 25, up from 20.
- Splash damage increased to 65, up from 50.

Shrapnel Cloak
- Now deals damage in spell damage, instead of true damage.

Psionic Lasher
- No longer displays floating combat text.

Vital Infusion
- Reduced HDR on effect actor.
- Reduced opacity on effect actor.

- Reduced HDR on effect actor.
- Reduced opacity on effect actor.
- Tint is now pinkish, instead of dark green.


- Molten Lance will now break off if the distance between the target and the user is greater than 25.
- Molten Lance post-pull stun reduced to 0.5 seconds, down from 1.
- Martyr now deals spell damage to Mandrake.

- Psionic Bola will now break off if the distance between the target and the user is greater than 25.
- Increased area of effect on Spell Storm from 2 to 2.8.

- Optic Beam range increased to 9, up from 7.
- Optic Beam now deals 30/45/60/75 (+7% INT), up from 30/45/60/75 (+5% INT).
- Optic Beam is now affected by Time Scale.
- Magnetic Link now silences for 5 seconds at all levels, up from 2/3/4/5.

- Base damage per second from Metabolic Parasite reduced to 30/50/70, down from 40/75/110.

- Slightly reduced opacity on Blinkstorm effects.
- Slightly reduced opacity on Overdrive effects.
- Slightly reduced opacity on Immortal Solace effects.
- Blinkstorm now deals 15/30/45/60 (+5% STR), down from 20/40/60/80 (+5% STR).
- Blinkstorm energy cost reduced to 80/90/100/110, down from 90/100/110/120.
- Overdrive now deals 15/30/45/60 (+10% AGI), up from 10/20/30/40 (+510 AGI).

- Neurotic Visage now deals 20/40/60 damage per second, down from 30/60/90.
- Neurotic Visage no longer procs on spell damage.
- Venomous Reflux damage over time reduced to 40/80/120/160 (+7% AGI), down from 50/100/150/200 (+7% AGI).
- Venomous Reflux cooldown increased to 23 seconds, up from 20.

- Gravitus now throws the target at a nearby location if the target point for Psionic Slam is invalid.
- Slightly reduced opacity on Spatial Flux effects.
- Psionic Slam cooldown increased to 13 seconds, up from 10.
- Gravitus strength gain per level reduced to 23, down from 30.
- Fast Twitch now deals 150% bonus damage, up from 100%.

- Phase Strike jump time decreased, now charges directly at the target, in contrast to an arc through the air.
- Slightly reduced opacity on Planar Void effects.

- Increased maximum range of Dark Surge to 10, up from 9.
- When under 3 orbs, Vorpal will regenerate 1 orb per 20 seconds (Time Scaleable).
- Vorpal Orbs will now immediately transport to Vorpal's location if the distance between them is too great.
- Vorpal's orbs will no longer be visibile while he is cloaked.
- Dark Matter animation now has a 0.5 second cooldown.

- Glaive Wurm now deals 10%*(0.75^bounce#) of Kerrigan's weapon damage (physical), instead of dealing a flat 2.5/5/7.5/10% of

STR per bounce (spell).
- Kerrigan's STR gain reduced to 21, down from 28.
- Kerrigan's base health reduced to 150, down from 200.
- Kerrigan's AGI growth increased to 19, up from 18.
- Bone Armor now grants 100% resistance to physical damage, up from 50%.

- Juxtapose now generates illusions every 14/12/10/8 attacks, up from 6/5/4/3.
- Juxtapose now grants Tassadar a passive +2/4/6/8% Evasion.
- Juxtapose now cloaks Tassadar for 0.5 seconds when generating an illusion.
- Juxtapose illusions now take 250% damage, down from 400%.
- Juxtapose illusions now deal true damage.
- Khala Triforce can now only target heroic enemies.
- Tassadar's Juxtapose hallucinations no longer benefit from armor.
- Tassadar's Ellude hallucinations now register the appropriate stat bonus.
- Khala Triforce energy cost reduced to 40/50/60/70, down from 60/70/80/90.
- Khala Triforce now deals damage equal to 50% of maximum health when used on non-heroes (does not work on massive creeps).

- Erekul's Vengeance now deals spell damage instead of true damage.

- Reduced opacity on Terrazine Radiation cloud.

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

발도장 찍기
아이콘 crunch (2011-06-17 10:57:25 KST)
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센스 이미지
헐 염츙이 너프 ㅜㅜ
아이콘 RED_Shadow (2011-06-17 11:16:48 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
사기캐 주력캐들 전체적인 데미지너프
잭슨은 상향 잭슨 Q스킬 사거리증가 인트뎀증 증가 타임스케일 적용
장어는 여전히 잉여
아이콘 Aeneas (2011-06-17 11:17:34 KST)
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센스 이미지
눈에 보이는거만 적으면

아이템 관련해서
더이상 클락버그는 못쓰겠네요 스킬시전이 풀리네요
맨틀이 트루뎀지에서 스펠뎀지로 바꼇는데 과연 어떨까요 ㅋ;
시나는 스킬로 300데미지를 줬을때 30%확률로 15% 슬로우가 걸리는듯하네요
퀀텀 스페드 : 20%확률로 20+뎀지 주는템이죠 이게 매공격시마다 타임스켈이 2초간 10%증가로 바꼇는데 쓰기나름일듯...
맹스크는 아시는 그대로 나온듯하구요 티탄이 40유닛거리 만큼 자기맘대로 비콘을 사용할수있다는데 이게 되나 안되나 그게 그거일듯 =_=;;
블랙홀매그넘이 바꼇네요 광역뎀지가 65로 늘구 기본 뎀지+20 이 25로 올라갔네요 타임스케일줄이는건 삭제(?) 됬구요 유일한 장점이었는데...


에레큘 - 상향따윈없다
잭슨 - 상향
1번스킬이 사정거리가 늘고 +int 가 늘었구 스킬이 이제 타임스케일에 영향을 받네요 자물쇠돌리고 쏘면 좀더 빠른 딜링이 가능하겠네요 그리고 3번스킬 링크 시간이 모든 렙에서 5초로 상향

곱등 - 너프
궁뎀하향 ㅋ

질칸 - 너프
블링스톰 데미지가 엄청줄었네요 궁뎀도 줄었고 오버드라이브 역시 줄었네요

보팔 - 상향(?)
보팔이 상향됬습니당 1번 스킬이 사정거리가 늘고 이제 구슬이 3개이하일때에는 20초마다 구슬이 하나씩 생기네요

테사다 - 분신 너프
2번 분신생성이 6/5/4/3/ -> 14/12/10/8 ㅋㅋ 이제 렉좀 사라지겠네

여기까지가 제가 아는부분 나머진 모르겠네요 중요한 부분이 맨드 랜스와 보로스의 볼라을 break off 할수있다는데 이게 무슨소리인지 모르겠네요
-Psionic Bola will now break off if the distance between the target and the user is greater than 25
- Molten Lance will now break off if the distance between the target and the user is greater than 25.
아이콘 아이유프라임 (2011-06-17 11:20:18 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
break off는 대상과 시전자의 거리가 25 이상 떨어지면 해제된다는 겁니다. 즉 워프볼라 워프랜스 불가능
아이콘 아이유프라임 (2011-06-17 11:20:27 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
딴사람 아이템 볼 수 있음
아이콘 Aeneas (2011-06-17 11:24:09 KST)
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센스 이미지
아 그리구 에레큘 궁이 이제 마법 뎀지입니다 더이상 스펠스톰을 못뚫겠네요 ㅋ;;(결국하향인가

카메라 시야가 넓어진듯??
아이콘 아이유프라임 (2011-06-17 11:25:00 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
- Passive: If the user takes 300 damage within 2 seconds, he gains +35% movement speed for 2 seconds.

이게 머얔ㅋㅋ 상대가 시너자이저 끼면 널리파이어 씁시다 근데 이게 원래 무슨템이져
아이콘 아이유프라임 (2011-06-17 11:27:03 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
- Khala Triforce can now only target heroic enemies.
- Khala Triforce now deals damage equal to 50% of maximum health when used on non-heroes (does not work on massive creeps).

영웅 아닌놈한테는 쓸수없지만 영웅 아닌놈한테 반피깎음

아이콘 아이유프라임 (2011-06-17 11:28:23 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
- Juxtapose illusions now deal true damage.

테사다 더 사기삘
아이콘 아이유프라임 (2011-06-17 11:29:33 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
- Increased area of effect on Spell Storm from 2 to 2.8.
미친 거 아냐?
아이콘 아무것도없다 (2011-06-17 11:43:20 KST)
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센스 이미지
잭슨 포풍 상향이네
아이콘 아무것도없다 (2011-06-17 11:46:20 KST)
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센스 이미지
테사다는 분신생성이 힘들게 된만큼 다른효과들을 상향시킨듯 ..
아이콘 아무것도없다 (2011-06-17 11:48:56 KST)
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센스 이미지
근데 한글화는 얘기가 없넹 ㅠ
khow (2011-06-17 12:41:55 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
질칸은 상향 아니에여? 오버 드라이브 지금도 미칀 뎀딜인데 데미지 증가 시켜놧는데...

블링크스톰 뎀지는 줄엇지만 마나도 감소해서 어차피 선오버 마스터는 1만 찍으니 더 유리한

거 같은데... 곱등이 홍어 하향은 완전 개념이고, 보로스랑 보팔이 상향 무개념이고 잭슨의

이카루쓰 (2011-06-17 13:55:37 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
미친 제작자 ㅄ 새끼인듯 생각이 없는거 아냐? 지르칸 오버드라이브 댐지 증가????????
보로스 스펠스톰 사거리 증가??????????? 둘다 너프를 시켜도 시원찬을 판에............아
아이콘 구글(혜윰) (2011-06-17 14:30:34 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
- Effects such as Mad Craving and Magnetic Presence will no longer self-kill.
자살 가능 스킬들 막음
- Towers now gain +20% weapon damage bonus per attack when attacking heroic units, up to a maximum of +120% damage. Each
타워 쎄짐요 ㅋ
아이콘 속으로 (2011-06-17 15:22:49 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
헐 진짜 타워 쌔졌네 ㅋㅋ 이제 맨드촉에 끌려가면 좀더 아플듯 ㅠㅠ 센터에선 조심해야겠네요.
아이콘 속으로 (2011-06-17 15:30:19 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
글고 템 효과 이제 안뜬다고 하니 렉이 좀 줄겠네요.
아이콘 zmschprotoss (2011-06-18 13:39:58 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
- Increased maximum range of Dark Surge to 10, up from 9.
- When under 3 orbs, Vorpal will regenerate 1 orb per 20 seconds (Time Scaleable).
- Vorpal Orbs will now immediately transport to Vorpal's location if the distance between them is too great.
- Vorpal's orbs will no longer be visibile while he is cloaked.
- Dark Matter animation now has a 0.5 second cooldown.
닼써 범위증가..랑
구슬 3개 안되면 20초마다 생성이랑..(초반 룬전에서 보팔 ㄷㄷ)
구슬이랑 보팔이랑 거리 멀면 즉시 보팔 가까이로 이동..
보팔 클로킹하면 구슬도 같이 클로킹 'ㅁ'
반사스킬이 0.5초의 무슨.. 쿨타임이 있는걸까요..
닉네임: 암호:
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