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작성자 밤도깨비
작성일 2011-06-18 08:46:24 KST 조회 771
이번 패치 왜 이렇게 됐나? - 해답 발견 100%

해답은 소티스 홈피 가서 발견 했습니다... -_-;;


거 가서 게시판 보니까 ... 여기 PlayXP vs Playsotis... 분위기가 정 반대더군요...


우선 저희 모두가 불만인 아템 중첩.. 특히 맨틀 중첩에 경우엔 관련글이 "0" ...즉 하나도 없었습니다.

아템 중첩 문제의 글은 좀 있었습니다. (횃불 중첩, 맹손 중첩, 샤드 중첩 글 등... 근데 대부분 괜찮다는 분위기)


문제의 보팔이.. 몇개의 관련글과 댓글들은 너무 약하니 상향이 반드시 필요하다는 의견이 다수였습니다. 한타에서 도움도 안돼고, 구슬 댐지가 너무 약하다 등등.. (많은 수의 의견들)


보로스도 공격 범위가 짦아서 지금도 할만은 하지만, 그렇게 좋은 편은 아니라는 식의 반응들.. 상향 필요


홍어 너프는 반기는 분위기..


렉사다 및 곱등이 사기라 불만이 많더군요.. (꽤됨) 하향 필요하다는 의견들이 있었습니다.


증거로 심심한데 글이나 퍼 날라 드릴까요? ㅋ

우선 보팔이 관련글~~

글쓴이 : Necris

He would be the definition of a hard carry, when it comes to laning with this bad boy, it fails completely and utterly, last hitting between 4 heroes in a lane? No orbs for you.
보팔이 컨 힘들다는 소리.. 막타 먹기 힘들다는 소리.. 특히 4이서 한타할때 구슬획득 불가 -_-;;

His only real area of specialty is his ability to carry, middle lane (supposed to be the 1v1 lane) gives him ample deny and last hit opportunity, and wont leave him underfed/out of orbs from being in the lane with 3 heroes contending to get last hits.
보팔이는 1대1 상황에서라야만 구슬 모으지, 상대 히어로 3씩 라인타면 구슬 모으게 두지를 않음.

He has no real definition as to what kind of hero he is, he has two abilities that scale with STR attribute, and 2 that scale with agility, its clear however that this guy cannot be a tank, his squishyness is incredible for an agi hero that needs to rely on farming.
That being said a DPS build on Vorpal also fails as there are many other heroes around that do far more damage and faster than him, his use in that role fails utterly.
보팔인 힘캐인지 민캐인지 난 몰르지만, 분명히 탱커는 할수 없고 딜링 하려면 파밍을 해야함.

딴 캐들은 얘보다 뎀지 쎄고, 빠르고 한대 얜 팀내에서 역할이 먼가요?

His abilities nerfed way down (which needed to happen combination of Q and ULTI was very damaging easy kill) hes now rather...weak.
상향 됐는데 먼 소린지.. 옛보전에 비해선지.. 난 모름 암튼 보팔 너프 됐다는 소리..

Hes still playable, but his only option is to carry, he does not scale very well for late game, his stats are low, his low base damage sucks his orbs only do 1% of str in damage and thats barely even noticeable.
아직 플레이 할만은 하지만, 딴애들보다 좋은건 아님, 스탯도 낮고, 구슬 뎀지는 겨우 Str 1%...

Now for the debate.
자 토론해 봅시다
Make him a STR hero again, alot of people were raging about him being OP, so lets try to balance him out without the rage.
보팔이 다시 힘캐 된다면, 많은 사람들이 사기캐라고 열내겠지? 열내지 말고 발란스 잡아봅시다.

Orbs Change to 2% scales with str thats only 40 damage at 2000STR, and to get that with his current stats (at level 25 his base str is only 894) you would need at least 3 organics to get to that point. Thats a steep investment, making a total of two abilities that scale with str, another possible change could be that you change it to 3% but scale with agi.
Scaling alot of agility with a STR hero to get the benefit.
구슬 뎀지 Str vs agi 어디로 넣는게 좋은가? 구찬아서... 그런 내용 -_-;; 근데 지금 뎀지는 낮아서 구리다는 반응

Fine as is, scales with agility so as a STR hero, you would have to buy the items to scale it more. only 7% scale so is rather weak late game also.

Dark Matter reflect ability, may become to strong if he becomes a STR hero, so to stop the raging have a slight decrease to attack speed per level gained in this ability, lets say 3% per level, so at level 4 you reflect 22% and you attack 12% slower. (To mitigate you would have to get at least 300agility)
보팔 힘캐 되면 이스킬 (먼지 모름..보팔 안해봐서 -_-;;) 좋아질꺼라는거

Vorpal Javelin
Weak pushing stun/trap, great for discouraging enemy heroes, possibly maybe catching up with a fleeing hero, the low damage prevents the last hit possibility (most of the time)
Fine as is.

이스킬.. 뎀지 구려.. 그리고 막타 넣기 넘 힘듬.

Vorpal Catastrophe
Does very weak damage for an ulti, however combined with Dark Surge does a semi-decent DPS, scales poorly for late game, may scale better if vorpal was a STR hero.
보팔은 궁 뎀지가 아주 구림, 힘캐되면 해결 됨.

If you are reading this without playing Vorpal, please leave now and play him.
보팔 플레이 안해본 넘들은 짜지고 해보고 말하셈.

Arguements to change him to a STR hero, instead of agility.
논쟁이 힘캐냐 민캐냐고 바꼈넴.

His Dark surge is an initiation tool, agility heroes are way too squishy to initiate properly, building a mixed build makes him fail late game, and as said earlier his DPS late game is just outclassed by nearly all other agility/str dps/carry builds.

이넘은 힘캐해야 하는데 민캐로 할려니 실패한겨.. 구림 딴 히어로들 키우는 거보다...

His Dark Matter is another survival tool, obviously this guy was meant to tank, as an agility hero this hero does not gain the proper benefits from it. As a str may benefit properly.
이넘은 탱커여, 딜링 고자라.. 근데 민캐? 힘캐 해야함

Vorpal Javelin Initiation tool, engagement deterent, hero chasing this skill is good, however at the cost of 1 orb each, you may want to save your orbs for the Q and ulti.

이 스킬, 상대캐 쫒기는 좋지만, 한타에 구슬 하나씩은 좀.. 차라리 q 스킬이나 궁 할때 쓰지..

Vorpal Catastrophe- Initiation, DPS and deterrent, good for when you initiate will scare squishy heroes, and get an engagement to a good start.
(That being said to use Dark Surge and Vorpal Catastrophe you just used 5orbs so to continue to be effective with vorpal you would have to play very wisely.)
한타 시작할때 좋음.. 근데 구슬소비 많으니 작전 잘 짜서 써야함.

Everything points at him being a STR hero and an initiator, I do understand the level of rage that *people* were directing at him that got him over nerfed, now that his abilities and scaling has been reduced severely, he can and should be made a STR hero again, adding another str hero and initiator.
힘캐 안돼면, 보팔이 고자.

Feedback welcome, trolls will be shot, remains shot again.
피드백 날려주삼.
(Even just putting thank you for this post if you have nothing to say would be great, shows that there is alot of people who think vorpal is underpowered)

많은 사람들이 생각하기에 보팔이는 약함. -_-.. 지송 길어서 걍 대충 해석.. 다음은 댓글들~


Yeah the beta didn't last as long as I thought it would and I am kinda disappointed with the new hero after hearing how op he was before this big nerf , right now Vorpral is a big teddy bear that throws dung at people (his attacks), I'd really like to see him do more dmg. This is only my opinion though I haven't seen anyone do good with him as of yet...
베타땐 좋았는데 신캐로 나온 보팔 너프돼서 나와서 구림. 이넘으로 잘하는 사람 본적이 없음.

Only uses I can see with vorpral is as a tank hero much like micro is, with his tele that brings his enemies with him. I dunno but he works better as a tank than an agi hero.

걍 이넘은 탱커밖엔 없음, 근데 딴 민캐보다 나은 탱커인지도 의문.


Your argument is valid, and I've only seen one game where as Vorpal went positive after the game ended. I have experimented with Vorpal and I see no viable strategies or why he would have a huge impact in the game. He does require a lot of skill (and beacons) to use. Almost every aspect of him indicates he would be a great Strength hero. Even the unit model, an Archon as an AGI hero? Heck, even the unit portrait portrays he would be better as a Strength hero.
보팔이가 킬데수 플러스로 간건 단 한번밖에 못봄. 이넘은 전략이 없음.힘캐전환 필수~

Now, don't disregard my post. I know I never was in the beta, so I wouldn't be able to see his true potential, but I feel this character is more difficult to get a kill with than late game V3.0 Dustin.Brawler.
히어로 죽이기 걍 힘듬 보팔이는
BTW: I realized a trend that singles out noticeable underpowered heroes in all versions of 4.0

Version. 4.0: Geminus.Boros 보로스 하향

Version. 4.1: Subterran.Unix 유닉스 하향

Version. 4.2: Vorpal.Valedict 버팔이 하향.. 전 근데 보팔이 하향 머가 먼지 몰겠음.. -_-;;


After the power we felt Vorpal had how good he was anything done to him was going to be a major nerf. yea he is too spread out to become something very useful. I'm sure they will beef him up next update just like they did with unix. Remember you did email them about nerfing him and you did cause the rage by bloating about how good he was <3

이넘 너프돼기 전에는 좋았음.


It's funny how much my record hates me for trying to be good with this character. I am definitely seconding his feel as a strength character over an agility-based one.
이넘땜에 내 기록 빙신됨. 이넘은 힘캐라야 함...


애고.. 댓글이 50개 이상이라... 이상 그만 쓸께여.. 참고로 이건 1 달, 3 주전에 써진 글임담..

이거 말고도 많은데.. 난중에 올릴께요~

이거 참 씁쓸하구만...

마지막으로 북미섭이 아시아 섭보다 실력 많이 딸리는 건 맞음..

이거 소티스 방송 보고, 북미섭에서 겜 해보면, 스타일이 많이 틀림돠~ 걔네는 물약 써도 그렇게 무한정 아낌없이 쓰진 않아요.. 돈 모아서 아템들 사는 스타일.. 그래서 한국분들이 유난히 높은 킬수 가지신 분들이 많습니다. 저도 2000 킬할때 600 정도 죽었었고요..(전 허접인데 -_-;;;)


암튼 수준차가 많이 나니.. 방법은 저희가 홈피가서 글 남기는 수밖에는 없겠네요. 밸런스 건의사항 게시판에..

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

발도장 찍기
아이콘 인간승맄 (2011-06-18 08:51:36 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
으으 한국의견도 들어줘
아이콘 밤도깨비 (2011-06-18 08:54:23 KST)
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센스 이미지
제작자가 한글을 모르니 불가능이죠.. 저희가 가서 글 남기지 않는 이상은 ㅋ
제 생각엔 맨틀에 관한 글들 남기면 좋겠는뎅~~~
아이콘 아이유프라임 (2011-06-18 10:55:19 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
라인을 3/1/1 또는 한라인버리기 시작하자마자 다섯명다달려가서 퍼블먹기(문제는 주기도함) 이런게 공방에서 일어남
아이콘 Aeneas (2011-06-18 12:33:06 KST)
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센스 이미지
뭐 보팔로 탱커를 못해 먹겠다고 !!?? ㅋㅋㅋ 올가닉 하나 맞추고 다크서지만 제떄제때 써주면 엄청 나게 전방에서 버텨먹는데 저긴 무슨 헛소리지요 ㅋ
아이콘 속으로 (2011-06-18 12:38:06 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
딜링 고자?! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 샤드나 횃불만 가고 구체만 있으면 상대영웅을 농락하며 우물로 보내는게 보팔인데 북미는 왜 저러지 ㅠㅠ
아이콘 PLT (2011-06-18 12:56:01 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
맨드 중첩갈정도로 돈벌 실력이 안되는듯.,,
luan(루안) (2011-06-18 13:53:22 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
으익 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 구슬은 초반에 비콘 3개로 충분히 모으고 궁이랑 q 써가며 라인 타면서 타이탄 횃불만 맞춰도 뎀딜은 충분히 나오는데 무슨 헛소리 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 보팔이 얼마나 좋은데 - -
아이콘 밟힌새싹 (2011-06-18 22:24:25 KST)
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센스 이미지
헐?...보팔이가 구슬모으기 힘들다고?
초반에 라인 디나 하고 막타 먹으면 구슬 모으기 쉽고 거디가 비콘도 있고
적캐릭이 앞에서 알짱거리면 자벨린 쓰며 울팀과 같이 떄리면 퍼블 먹기 가장 쉬운데
거기다 적들에게 다구리 받아도 탈출하기 엄청 쉬운데ㅡㅁㅡ
아이콘 밤도깨비 (2011-06-19 05:39:52 KST)
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센스 이미지
ㅋㅋㅋ 보팔이 고수 플레이를 봐야 얘네 생각 바뀔듯... -_-;; 제가 하고 싶은데 보팔이 해본적이 없어서 전 안됨~
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