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작성자 밤도깨비
작성일 2011-06-18 09:44:42 KST 조회 516
보로스 상향에 관한 의견

Boros suggestion 3 days, 19 hours ago (참고로 이건 제 생각이 아니고, 소티스 밸런스 게시판에서 퍼온 것임.. 오해 없으시길 -_-;;)

글쓴이 : dohgg

I think Boros got a serious problem playing as AGL simply because of his lack of slow/stun considering hes a melee hero, he must be "in-touch" with a fleeing hero.

보로스 문제 민캐로 문제많음, 느리고 스턴도 읍고,, 이넘은 붙어야 하는디..

When we're trying to compaire him to another agl melee - we can easily see this in zera's Q, E and obviously his ulti. Shadow E is quite obivious the best skill for fleeing heros, and we can see this usable also with vortex for slowing them down and accelerate ourself.
딴 민캐랑 비교하면 특히 제라~ 콤보가 쉬워서 좋음, 쉐도우도 e 스킬써서 영킬 최고.

One of the main reasons is that his ulti doesnt scales with autoattack, unlike zera and shadow, which is cruical on late game.
보로스 궁은 오토라 제라 쉐도우에 비해 고자.

The only way to really gank properly with boros, is to bolo isolate and ulti, then if hero survives it, you are just chasing untill he escapes w/o any skill to really slow and hold him to your autoattacks. Not to mention how useless it will be vs heroes with great escaping techniques (Toxi, Micro, shadow, Jax, Lord and more...)
이넘은 갱킹 할라면 혼자여야 함, 장어, 혼종, 쉐도우, Jax, Lord? 머징? 암튼, 빠져나가는 스킬있는 영웅들한테는 보로스 궁 고자.

As i see this, AGL heroes should counter Tanks (high HP) - which are capable of absorving spell damage (his ulti)
민캐는 뎀지 좀 나와줘야 함.

My suggestions are:
내 제안은

1. making his ulti relaying on autoattack + spell damage (X number of strikes that deals autoattack immediately + 30-40 spell damage)
보로스 궁에다가 스펠 뎀지 추가

2. Bola might be the best "grabing" skill in the game cuz of its huge range, i suggest to lower the range of bola and making it a "slower" skill for those who got caught by it. (would also gives boros an escaping mechanism which he lacking compaires to other melee agl heroes. 볼라 걸린 히어로는 느려지게 하는 대신, 볼라 범위를 좀 줄입시다.




I feel that the problem with boros lies not in his skills, but rather his primary attribute.

I'm not sure about him in NA, but he is way popular on KR servers much to my annoyance. He's usually a fat tank with a ult that can do massive damage. Other than that though, he doesn't offer much utility in a team situation (when his ult is down) because of his pathetic autoattack (I never see him built agi) and because he doesn't have any slows/stuns. Bola can be really useful in many situations, but only when trying to pluck/grab runners. Spell storm can be useful for protecting him and his teammates, but imo it's primarily just a farming spell.
보로는 KR 서버=한국 서버? 유명함, 이넘은 탱커임, 민캐 아님. 근데 궁이 고자 오토라.. 팀플에서 쓸모 없음. 보로는 스턴, 슬로우 없어서 고자.. 겨우 튀는 넘 잡을때만 좋음, 스펠스톰은 보호용이며, 파밍 할때나 좋음.

Honestly I would like to see him switched to STR and have the damage on spell storm reduced/only proc on himself. My reasoning for this is that he is rarely built AGI anyway, so his attack might as well benefit from the primary way to build him. If he is STR he should be able to not farm as hard/dominate the lane early on with spell storm, because he will get high hp/damage too quickly. This will allow him to be weak early game (as a carry should be), while still posing a threat mid to late game.
보로는 힘캐로 바껴야 함. 스펠스톰은 뎀지 낮추고 지밖에 안돼게 고쳐야 함. 그래야 파밍이나 라인에서 좀 뎀지좀 먹지. 초반에 보로는 좀 힘들어야 함.

This would make him way more useful in a teamfight and more reliant on support heroes; he would still have enough hp to tank, yet have a solid auto attack. I think this change would make him less reliant on his ult to dominate, and more reliant on support heroes to help him get autoattacks in.
보로는 이렇게 고쳐야 서포터 됨. 이넘은 탱커로 이미 피통은 충분.

TLDR: Instead of changing his ult mechanic, make his primary attribute STR and reduce the damage on spellstorm or only make it proc on himself. This way he can hard carry late game, yet not completely dominate a lane early on and get the items he needs too rapidly.

보로는 궁 바꾸기 전에 힘캐랑 스펠스톰 뎀지 하향, 지만 되게 바꿔야 함.


I agree, and while they're at it, if we really want to make Boros a type who can also chase runners, why not increase his movement speed while spellstorm is active? at least that way he can chase and deal damage at the same time.

동의함. 보로스 스펠스톰 쓸때 이속 상향 필요함.


MAn did ever tried build him as a tank AA and ult tosser?

I think it is best of both words.
Also he counters Vespus and Tassadar(with chrono). 

보로 탱커로 해봤음? 이넘 좋음. 홍어, 테사 카운터임 크로노 있을때


How does boros counter vespus when vespus has E? take your time to figure that one out

보로가 어케 홍어 카운터여? e 쓰면 빠져나감.

구찬아서 이만... -_-;; 

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발도장 찍기
아이콘 인간승맄 (2011-06-18 11:16:05 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
보레기로 알구있구마잉
아이콘 PLT (2011-06-18 12:29:33 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
Toxi, Micro, shadow, Jax, Lord -> 홍어, 혼종, 쉐도, 잭슨, 지르
아이콘 zmschprotoss (2011-06-18 13:58:24 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
오옹 다니엘이 그나마 유일하게 한국섭 상황을 전해주는군요; 다니엘한테 잘해줘야할듯(KR 뭐 그러면 박미로님 친구 다니엘 아니심?)
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