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작성자 아이콘 Aeneas
작성일 2011-06-28 14:11:36 KST 조회 725
4.6 패치노트


Hand of Mengsk
- Fixed bug causing Hand of Mengsk users to take 100% extra damage instead of 30%.

Chrono Dagger
- Cost increased to 1800, up from 1600.

- Fixed typos in Dark Surge.

- Reduced cast time of Aberrated Claymore to 0.5 seconds, down from 1 second.

- Seismic Wave now grants kills from pillar explosions.

- Modified Magnitude's spread as it progresses down the line.
- Toned down effects on Magnitude.
- Toned down effects on Molten Lance.

- Damage from Blinkstorm lowered to 10/20/30/40 (+2% STR), down from 15/30/45/60 (+5% STR).
- Damage ticks from Blinkstorm are now affected by Time Scale.
- Damage from Immortal Solace changed to 10/15/20 (+1% STR), from 10/15/20 (+1% INT).
- Energy cost of Immortal Solace increased to 125/175/225, up from 150 at all levels.
- Reduced visual clutter of Immortal Solace.
- Damage from Overdrive lowered and changed to 10/20/30/40 (+2% STR), down from 15/30/45/60 (+10% AGI).
- Overdrive no longer causes Zyrkhan to lens flare.
- Overdrive now grants Unitwalking (can walk through units).
- Overdrive now increases your movement speed by 20/30/40/50%, up from 15/25/35/45%.
- Energy cost of overdrive reduced to 80/90/100/110, down from 90/100/110/120.
- Duration of Zyrkhan's Overdrive is no longer affected by Time Scale.
- Damage ticks from Overdrive are now affected by Time Scale.

- Erekul's Vengeance now deals true damage instead of spell damage.
- Increased cast range of Erekul's Vengeance to 6, up from 5.
- Increased cast range of Parasitic Infusion to 8, up from 6.5.

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발도장 찍기
아이콘 wind... (2011-06-28 14:14:52 KST)
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센스 이미지
장어가 싱싱하게 펄떡펄떡 뛴당께요!!!

와 근데 보뻔뻔은 끝까지뻔뻔
아이콘 Ska (2011-06-28 14:15:42 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
아이콘 tonylog (2011-06-28 14:31:34 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
뭐가 싱싱함......q를 상향해야지 ㅡㅡ
아이콘 wind... (2011-06-28 16:00:40 KST)
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센스 이미지
보로한테 궁씹히는거 벗어난것만해도 좋음
아이콘 [April] (2011-06-28 16:38:02 KST)
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어쩐지 맹크스 쓰고 빨리 죽더라..
아이콘 zmschprotoss (2011-06-28 19:38:35 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
어쩐지 멩쓰고 맨틀낀상대 3명있는데 제라로 박았는데 무슨 400피가 1초만에 까지더니 사망ㅋ
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